times like these, people want to be supportive, but don't always know
what to say. sometimes they say nothing for fear it won't be enough, or it won't come out right.
parents want to protect you from pain.
friends want to somehow help you bear it.
a few days ago i felt an immense despair, as though the people closest to me, who i thought valued and respected me, were starting to turn away from me in spite of (or maybe because of) the stressful situation that i am in. i began to feel like i was alone, with nobody to turn to.
tonight, i don't feel so alone.
i feel as though i am honoring a friend going through one of life's most difficult transitions. i feel connected to the true essence of humanity. i feel like my empathy and caring is part of what nourishes my experience of this world.
in wanting to greet death, i feel very much alive.
i feel understood and understanding.
i am very much in the company of everyone.