All right, you post your favorite TV character and then I give you a list of five things that remind me of you and you write about them. WOO.
I got from
pomegranate_md 1. Hugh Laurie :)
2. Slash
3. Music
4. Psychology
5. Pennsylvania
1)Hugh Laurie:
Oh how to start on this.... Ok. I'll start by saying I am infactuated with Hugh Laurie. I enjoy everything he does, and I think he's extremely talented, funny, intelligent, gorgeous, sexy, brilliant, humble, amazing, spectacular, his voice makes me shiver, his body gives me hot flashes... Haha, you get the picture. My goal in life is to meet him, become as good of a person as he is. If I never do anything else important, I just want this one thing.
I first found out about Hugh Laurie through House. I'll admit it. There was a marathon on TV during thanksgiving holidays in 2006. I was flipping through the channels and I couldn't find anything to watch. I finally settled on House because I was hungry and I wanted to pass the time quick. One episode turned into 2, then to 3, and I became enamored with House's character. I recognized Hugh vaugely, but the only movie I saw him in was Stuart Little, and I was too young to appreciate his utter hottness. Well, by 2006, his "Stuart" character was long behind him, and I fell in love. I had to know more about him. I looked him up on IMDB, searched him on google, You-tube'd him to my heart's content. By doing that I also discovered Steven Fry, Who is awesome as well.
I can't go through a day without seeing at least one picture of him. In order to make sure this NEVER happens, He is the Background on my laptop, and my phone.
2010's Hugh Laurie leaves me with an obsession bigger then any 20 year old should have. (I love every single inch of him, every word out of his mouth, and every thing he creates) And I wouldn't have it any other way. <3
Slash pairings are just as popular as het pairings, if not more so now. I have been reading Slash pairings since I started reading fanfiction.
Harry Potter? Harry/Draco. There is just something about two enemies having the hots for each
other. It leaves me salivating everytime I think about it. This was the first slash pairing I've ever had the pleasure of enjoying.
House? House/Wilson. I am one of the BIGGEST supporters of the Hilson pairing. They are perfect for each other. The chemistry between them is undeniable, and it's not just in a sexual sense. One of the things I love most about this pairing is the fact that they balance each other out in a way no other slash pairing I've come in contact with does. On an off note, I also met
pomegranate_md through Hilson love. And she has become a great friend and I love her dearly. <3
Glee? Finn/Puck, Puck/Kurt. It's no wonder people slash these guys with the situations this show puts them in. Fuck is a great pairing. Best friends, football buddies, and they both obviously care about each other. Not to mention, the combined name? FUCK? Hell yeah. As for Puck/Kurt, Well... you know the saying of the guy pulling the girl's pigtails because he likes her? Yeah, that's basically how it is. They are always stealing glances, or "poking" each other.
Community? Troy/Abed, Jeff/Abed. I've just recently gotten into this show. You'd have to watch to really understand, but both pairings give me a gooey feeling in my stomache that won't go away. lol.
Whatever your fancy may be, I have to say you shouldn't read fanfiction without trying slash pairings at LEAST once.
I have a very large variety of music I enjoy. Whether it be a country tune from the radio, to a gospel song from the church, maybe a metal song that you've never heard of, or even a soul song from back in the 60's... I listen to it all. I go though phases to which I enjoy certain kinds of music.
Music has always been an outlet to me, a way to cheer me up, or even just to sing along with in the car. I use it to excercise, listen to it at work, pretty much everywhere. I connect with music, with the lyrics and the swell of sound in the background. I believe that music can heal a person, be there for you when you have no other way to express how you are feeling, and it will never go away. You can make friends with it, similar interests in music gave me one of my best friends in the world, who is just as goofy as I am.
My major in College. I've always known I wanted to be a psychologist, the subject of the brain and human emotions has fascinated me since a very young age. I've always been the person people went to for advice, that "good listener" if you will... and it's been something enjoyable to me.
Since starting college, I have learned the structure of many different kinds of psychology practices, but the one I enjoy the most has the be Sigmund Freud.
Freud's therapy has been more influential than any other, and more influential than any other part of his theory. Here are some of the major points:
Relaxed atmosphere. The client must feel free to express anything. The therapy situation is in fact a unique social situation, one where you do not have to be afraid of social judgment or ostracism. In fact, in Freudian therapy, the therapist practically disappears. Add to that the physically relaxing couch, dim lights, sound-proof walls, and the stage is set.
Free association. The client may talk about anything at all. The theory is that, with relaxation, the unconscious conflicts will inevitably drift to the fore. It isn't far off to see a similarity between Freudian therapy and dreaming! However, in therapy, there is the therapist, who is trained to recognize certain clues to problems and their solutions that the client would overlook.
Resistance. One of these clues is resistance. When a client tries to change the topic, draws a complete blank, falls asleep, comes in late, or skips an appointment altogether, the therapist says "aha!" These resistances suggest that the client is nearing something in his free associations that he -- unconsciously, of course -- finds threatening.
Dream analysis. In sleep, we are somewhat less resistant to our unconscious and we will allow a few things, in symbolic form, of course, to come to awareness. These wishes from the id provide the therapist and client with more clues. Many forms of therapy make use of the client's dreams, but Freudian interpretation is distinct in the tendency to find sexual meanings.
Parapraxes. A parapraxis is a slip of the tongue, often called a Freudian slip. Freud felt that they were also clues to unconscious conflicts. Freud was also interested in the jokes his clients told. In fact, Freud felt that almost everything meant something almost all the time -- dialing a wrong number, making a wrong turn, misspelling a word, were serious objects of study for Freud. However, he himself noted, in response to a student who asked what his cigar might be a symbol for, that "sometimes a cigar is just a cigar." Or is it?
Other Freudians became interested in projective tests, such as the famous Rorschach or inkblot tests. The theory behind these test is that, when the stimulus is vague, the client fills it with his or her own unconscious themes. Again, these could provide the therapist with clues.
Transference occurs when a client projects feelings toward the therapist that more legitimately belong with certain important others. Freud felt that transference was necessary in therapy in order to bring the repressed emotions that have been plaguing the client for so long, to the surface. You can't feel really angry, for example, without a real person to be angry at. The relationship between the client and the therapist, contrary to popular images, is very close in Freudian therapy, although it is understood that it can't get out of hand.
Catharsis is the sudden and dramatic outpouring of emotion that occurs when the trauma is resurrected. The box of tissues on the end table is not there for decoration.
Insight is being aware of the source of the emotion, of the original traumatic event. The major portion of the therapy is completed when catharsis and insight are experienced. What should have happened many years ago -- because you were too little to deal with it, or under too many conflicting pressures -- has now happened, and you are on your way to becoming a happier person.
Freud said that the goal of therapy is simply " to make the unconscious conscious."
I hope to further develop some of these methods when I become licensed.
I was born in California, but moved to PA at a young age. It's beautiful here. the country is beautiful, and the cities are full of excitement.
I really don't have too much to say about PA, other than I have made some great memories here, and I hope to make many more. :-)