(no subject)

Dec 19, 2006 16:17

fiat nox transmission #222

Hello again. This countdown is to the final termination of the Ningunismo project. If you check out the site blog, you can see why. It was discussed and decided that the project had reached its final moment.
Which brings us to the black osiris death meat.
do you consume dead flesh? i have always been on the fence about it and a very picky meat eater my whole life i have a 2 year old daughter who wont eat meat (like most kids) and i have always felt its not natural food for humans so i recently became a vegetarian even though i used to argue against it it just became apparent to me what all these vegetarians told me over the years we should not be putting dead animals in our body (im not getting self-righteous just expressing an idea, hold your fire) people can be very touchy about being told that killing off animals when our planet is in abundance of fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains... It is Allah commands blood and semen. Soup is healthier. Applications of time-reversal mirrors in pulse-echo detection are then described and, for a multi-target medium, the iterative time-reversal mode is presented. The chronomancer turns the hands backwards widdershins. For example, just the other day I saw an old junkie hock a terrific wad of phlegm from his stinkhole in slow motion watch it suck itself back again, then fowards, then backwards, then forwards. It's hard to communicate with somebody when he thinks you're a diabolical mind-control agent and you're convinced that he's a little bit paranoid. The studies developed under the denomination of foresight fill the space where there is an intersection between the areas of strategic planning, future studies and policy analysis. who am i?
See the stains on the altar? think of it like a buddhist mediation. dogs gnawing on your black osiris meat like some ripe eluesian mystery cake. Thank you for visiting The Implicate Order
Thank you for visiting The Implicate Order (because only the black lodge exists materially!)

Alice: yeah but lately i've actually wondered if there is a real order
Cheshire Cat: order in what sense?
Alice: like a physical group of people
Cheshire Cat: Hm...
Cheshire Cat: ECCO?
Alice: Eco or ECCO? maybe?
Alice: but it could also be a group of initiators.
Alice: who have a window into my life
Alice: or maybe this is a game, and for whatever reason they are pulling certain strings
Cheshire Cat: My move in your position would be to try to experimentally eliminate the possibility that you are doing it. :-D
Alice: i think that would be impossible
Cat: Impossible? Heh heh... Does the um... effect bear a signature, a feel that belongs to someone other than you?
Alice: well it reminds me of that book the magus, from which the term "nothing is true, everything is permissable" originates
Cat: Does the message we'll say point in a particular direction? it really only started to pick up with the changes scorpio brought on, did it not?
Alice: again i don't actually believe any of this
Cat: of course not, perish the thought. Strangely, my rationale for destiny is, in my opinion, fairly lucid and rational but people still think I'm insane because of it

Alice: But, Mr. Cat, isn't it wonderful imagining that the three eyed sirian entities that are manipulating your mind are really extra-terrestrial evolutionary agents controlling all coincidences and that morgan freeman is the metaprogrammer and that there is a spiral staircase going down to the center of the earth wherein all of the mysteries will be revealed to us like a newage sting song?

Cat: I seriously doubt it's morgan freeman.

One fix never put anyone back on kid, How can we really be sure? What was the figurative death that was planned, and to what end? will YOU eat the BLACK MEAT? it is not in your nature to eat it a real meat eater would go right up to the corpse and dine our digestive system is not very sympathetic towards eating meat especially when compared to a real carnivore and any nutritional value found in meat can be found in many other other food groups i have nothing against organic dairy but wont eat eggs, free range or not now i wont go into a crazed peta rage about how these animals are tortured but they are indeed, and the filth that goes on you would not find too appetising Pythagoras said it best: "Death ends a life, not a relationship", Lazarus go home. Dead Christ Meat OM. there are other forms of consuming energy ye ov sucking bitch egregore, o thou sow sopping at the jizm of a hanged man find ye other dream ejaculation upon which to feed in the machinery of your insomnia.

broken mirrors, broken shards, isis moves to rebuild black death osiris meat

more people read it, more will be the connection of the oxioplast and my prays will flood the morphogenetic camp (a personal joke) put these fragments together remember
Then why the insistence that they must 'die' and the project end? (enough to feed the globe) but eating death is not necessary and when we see this kind of food fresh in nature we are drawn to it by instinct, put a cat in a the same room instead and the cat will eat the chicken and play with the apple, so even if you enjoy eating meat, isn't death just another lead-in to even more profound mysteries? he's out there moving, working, just beyond your threshold of perceiving him.
if you find a fresh corpse you will most likely vomit instead of try and eat it put a baby in a room with a dead chicken and an apple, the baby will eat the apple and play with the chicken, I think that if i say all this I may ask, what WAS their intended act of "ultimate defiance" if not literal death?
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