Title: and again (we can be heroes)
samstridentGroup(s)/Artist(s): Miss A
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Fei/Min
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Fei tries to live her life, things stop her from doing that, and Min is just there.
Note(s): happy new year!
'I knocked you into a fridge. It's the least I can do.' )
Comments 2
Some really nice touches that I enjoyed were how Fei resorts to repeating what superhero!Min said about her identity ("She's new"), how natural it felt that Fei looks forward to being contacted by Min (""She feels around for her phone and her heart skips a beat when she sees a new message from Min.") and how you transitioned from Fei shooing Jia out of the apartment to Min's arrival ("She feels the knock through the wood and it startles her so much that she jumps backwards")--these touches made the story flow in a way that had me managing to suspend my disbelief.
Thank you for writing this ♥
i love the other girls- nice and precious suzy and perfect jia- but fei and min were especially great. you really captured that reckless, wild side of min with her superhero-ing and fei's hesitancy after the, er, fire thing and her sweetness and just everything. i liked the way min stretched the truth so that fei wouldn't worry about her but not because she wanted to protect fei, that was a really nice touch. great job writing this, it was a wonderful read that was worth taking time for.
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