I was sleeping the sleep of the exhausted yesterday when Hubby bounced into the bedroom, turned on the light, and announced in way too peppy a voice that it was 3:30 - time to get up if we wanted to be on time.
I dragged myself upright and tried to decide if I wanted to be on time. Hubby pops back in; the Boy doesn't want to go. Since Nana's in town he wants to be with her. I pull open my cell and call her - managing to be coherent enough to explain the situation. She's got plans with my sister and neice but can work him in.
I tell hubby, and he goes off to relay the message while I pull myself together. He's back. Seems the Boy doesn't want to share his Nana, so he'll go with us. Call mom back. Explain. Brush my hair. Take four tylenol to make my head stop trying to explode. Time to go.
Baby Girl was sick this week - throwing up at day care on Tuesday, so I stayed home with her on Wednesday. She wasn't 100% but kept her bottles down so I croossed my fingers and took her in on Thursday.
Late morning, they call and she's sick again. Hubby takes the rest of the day off and goes in to get her. I take Friday off and stay home with her. We learned that when she has a stomach bug, she only wants to sleep in her swing, so I got to spend a couple of nights sleeping - badly - on the couch so I'm near her in the little travel swing - the one that runs on batteries so I don't have to wind it up all night long.
Friday night - fall festival at the Boy's school. Luckily she's feeling well enough that we all got to go - but it was so crowded that Hubby had to bail early and walk home.
Saturday morning - soccer game! Except the Boy took a tumble on the front walk running to the van and bruised/scraped up his knees so bad he didn't go - but to cheer him up we went to a local church's kids fest and let him play games and eat hot dogs for a couple of hours.
By the time we got home I was too tired to care about anything but getting some rest - if even just for a couple of hours.
Finally have the whole crew plus baby supplies - diaper bag, extra pedialyte, extra blankets, travel swing - loaded up and we're ready to go.
The Boy's still unhappy about going. I'll let Hubby handle it. "From now on, every couple of weeks we're going to be doing this. You'll deal with it. When we were kids our parents did regular thing with their friends, and we managed to survive."
"I'll be bored."
"You'll play with the other kids."
"I'm no good at their games."
"You'll learn."
The discussion seems to be over, and I've realized I'm extremely thirsty so we'll stop at Sonic first for drinks - yay diet cherry limeaid! I ask the Boy if he wants a root beer.
"Why are you asking?"
Just what my headache needs. It takes 15 minutes for them to bring us our three fountain drinks. Now we're good and late. Well, if you're going to do something, might as well do it completely.
I'm a role-player. I spent (too?) much of my young adult years playing in at least one game all the time. I met my husband through RPGs, and even when we didn't have anyone else to game with, we played two-person campaigns. We discover online games (MU*s) and they help fill the gaming nitch. Not perfectly, but better than nothing.
During Hubby's job search last year, he lands a long-term temp job and makes friends with Mark, his supervisor. They keep in touch even after Hubby leaves for his new (permanent) job. We get together with Mark and his group a few times to play strategy board games. We know they're gamers. They know we're gamers.
Baby Girl comes along. We're tired and distracted again, but we remember some of the skills and we've got the big brother helping us out this time. So, when Mark asks if we want to join the new campaign, we're all over it.
I've played a lot of different game systems over the years, so I'm willing to try just about any of them. They're wanting to try out the new 4th ed D&D. I played a lot of 2nd ed back in the day, but pretty much missed 3rd. Hubby had some of the books and told me about the changes, but except for a couple of aborted games, never played it.
A couple of weeks ago we got together with the DM to create our characters. I'm a halfling warlord. There's something about that phrase that makes me giggle.
So, there we were last night, rolling in late, ready to play. There's three other offspring there, so the Boy heads off to play games and watch movies while the nominal adults settle around the table, ready to pass the baby around as needed.
It took a little bit to get rolling, but once we got started it was great fun. I quickly fell back into the gaming rhythms, even after all these years. The party is all halflings and dwarves except for the eladril wizard and whenever things got slow we could fill the time by reminding him how freakishly tall he is.
Things were starting to wind down when the Boy sidles up to me and asks when we're leaving. This is usually boy-code for "I want to go now," so I reassured him that we'd be wrapping up and heading home soon.
"But I want to stay and play!"
Guess it won't be such a battle getting him in the van next time.