sun-spot pics, pretty trippy.
pretty much im laying under the table....and im dead....
major raunch cookies.
haha, yeah, those would be mine...
what a happy camper.
amandas new tongue ring, it has like a loop at the end and a ball on the bottom...its crazy.
das my brudder...hah, what a cute/psycho little chillinpie.
im kinda FUCKING PISSED OFF bout some shit and i really wanna know what the fuck you were thinking and why you like to put me down to make yourself the center of attention even if it only lasts for only a couple of minutes.....yeah.....i thought you were my girl....friends dont fuckin do that to really hurt...and please.....dont fucking talk to him cause i do like him and you have no right to talk shit to him and put words in my mouth....i know you hate him but i dont and never have/will so dont try to fuck up my shit.....ill say what i wanna say when i want to say it....i dont need your help and especially if your relaying the wrong dont have everything under control hun, if you did you have so much more shit done than you do.......and dont ever say you are more mature than you are real fucking cool arent you.....asdjfkl;. why would you fucking say that shit....and to my parents....thats just so fucked up.......i dont know what to think/say to you anymore...i feel so betrayed.....i certainly feel like the trust is gone...and it sucks....