Title: Evening on the Ground
Fandom: HBO’s miniseries Generation Kill
Artist: Iron and Wine
Pairing/Characters: Gen, ensemble vid
Rating: R, for graphic war violence, including dead children. Please heed this warning before watching.
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Comments 32
And yes, when it comes to political messages in fanvids (which is one of the awesome things about the genre, I think) the bar has been set pretty high in the past- alot to live up to, compared to obsessive24 and other vidders' work.
Oh, definitely. A lot to live up with in general when it comes to vids. I mean, my housemate makes AWESOME VIDS (though she'd punch me if she knew I was saying this) that put the one I made to shame!!
Really wonderfully done. :)
And eek, yes I was worried about using the shot of Espera pissing because I wasn't sure how it would be viewed but I thought it was one of the shortcuts I could use to get the point about the marines' humour and how they use it to cope.
Heartbreaking all around.
Yes, for sure. :/
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And I'm glad you liked the part between the shepherd boy's mother and Brad - I thought that part and the part in episode 5 when Walt shot the guy at the roadblock were the most heartbreaking moments of the entire series. Well, those and Nate's expressions in episode 7 as he realized what a quagmire Iraq had turned into.
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