I had a very insightful realisation yesterday.
Apparently, there are several stages of obsession whenever a new fandom threatens to take over my life.
This is very helpful. It helps me identify potential threats at an early stage and allows me take appropriate counter measures.
So, for your questionable enjoyment:
The many stages of FFOAF (Falling For A Fandom)
brought to you by me, who is obviously not motivated enough to do real work
Stage 1 - LOL... Wut?
At this stage the threat is still minimal. Although, very dangerous in it's barely noticeable way. Main characteristics of this stage comprise:
- Coming across random icons/posts/pictures/vids etc. concerning the fandom while browsing the flist and comms.
At this stage my knowledge about the fandom in question is obviously zero and in a futile attempt of my brain to protect itself said icons/posts/pictures/vids etc. are ignored about 98% of the time.
Stage 2 - I see what u did thar
Stage 2 is an immediate consequence of the lacking 2% in aforementioned stage 1. These 2% will eventually break my proverbial neck but by the time I come to realise this it will be much too late.
This stage is basically characterised by the fact that the crumbly defensive line my brain has desperately tried to pull together is - however else could it be? - crumbling. I start to notice things.
- Icon batches comprising icons from said fandom are no longer skipped. They are, in fact, inspected thoroughly.
- Remembering the name of the series/movie/anime/manga etc. (although, especially with anime and manga fandoms the spelling at this point may still be somewhat closer to Esperanto than the actual title)
Stage 3 - Hm...
This stage is critical. By now the 2% have multiplied, had children and went and recruited other percentages. Still, the knowledge about the potential fandom is best compared to a half-eaten buffet - if it's not prepared in a neat and appetizing and above all easy way (or eaten) I won't know about it. I won't go through many lengths to acquire information but I will inevitably inhale each and everything that randomly pops up.
- The spelling of the name has been clarified and now resembles the real name of the series/movie/anime/manga etc. (although the ever-popular akronyms, abbreviations and morphological naming-monsters are still a mystery and will cause a pathetically large amount of confusion)
- Pairings - as in: I can actually tell the characters apart and may remember who's mostly paired with who without the help of visual evidence. Though, I do appreciate the sheer amount of it out there.
- This, however, does not mean I can actually name all the characters (as I am a decendant of a woman who has a repulsion against anything that involves more than five characters this point requires some high-level research and memory-acrobatics that I am not yet prepared to do)
- I may click one link or another. Really, only one link or two. Nothing to worry about. I can still quit. REALLY. I CAN.
Stage 4 - Just a suggestion - perhaps you should flee?
Contrary to how it seems it is far too late to run. The point of no return has been passed. From here on out it's straight towards the green and constantly sunny hills of obsession. There might be rainbows too.
However, as horryfing as it may sound this is still not the last phase. It is marked by one significant event that will forever bear witness to my doom, though: I google it.
- Wikipedia and its many octopus-like sub-wikis make their entrance and haul buckets of knowledge onto my grave.
- I click each and every link that pops up. Nothing can stop me. If my fingers were broken I'd do it with my nose.
- I scout LJ for comms that will conveniently add to my downfall.
- If it's a RL series/movie I'll start to download the episodes/the movie BECAUSE WE WOULD NEVER DO THAT, WOULD WE?
- In inattentive moments I have random interesting thoughts about the fandom. Mostly at completely inconvenient times. Or on the toilet.
- Random things in my every-day life remind me of the fandom in question. Which includes conversations with innocent people who have no idea what's going on and are suddenly exposed to my off-topic squee remarks.
- I have successfully identified my favourite characters and am able to name them correctly. Plus their OTPs, obviously.
Stage 5 - Chocolate, chocolate
As mentioned in stage 4, if it concerns a RL series or movie I will now have all available episodes at my disposal and will watch it in every spare minute I have. Lately, with anime or manga there is usually a sort of intermediate level. It involves youtube. And very bad subtitles.
By now I have accumulated enough knowledge to indulge in a bit of fic and not get thoroughly confused. If it's anime or manga I am at least half-way through anything most of what's been published.
This is usually when I find the one, single, most intriguing story of all time that has me sold in a matter of nano-seconds and will make me squee uncontrollably in irregular intervals. Unsuspecting friends may fall victim to my newly developing obsession in form of futile but sometimes rather amusing attempts of mine to explain the story-line (of the entire series, if necessary), certain characters or the universe and everything.
In general: 42.
- I manage to include the new fandom into practically everything else. Random movies on TV, conversations, other series, furniture, you name it. Fear my x-over abilities.
- On rare occasions I suddenly feel the urge to contribute by producing my own art - in whichever way said 'art' presents itself. Fortunately for us all this doesn't happen very often. There is so much awesome out there - no need to dampen the spirit.
- In really serious cases this would be the stage where I start compiling soundtracks. Once music is involved I have officially crossed over into the happy realms of obsession.
- It may have already happened during phase 4 but in case it hasn't: I start collecting icons. My icons are way more up-to-date with my fandom affections than my user info. Plus, they're neat.
Stage 6 - Resistance is futile
I have been assimilated. I am legion, for we are many.
The counter measures would be applicable somewhere between stages 1 and 3. And as soon as I've figured out what these counter measures are I'll let you know.
What? I never said that they were effecitve, did I?
Apparently, there'll be another post with the recount of last night's Fall Out Boy concert. I have a new coffee mug now. Yes, these two topics are related.