Be warned. Vicous rants ahead.
I AM NOT SLAVE LABOR. Not am I your personal puppy-sitter.
I will pull my weight. I will help out around the house. You want me to run to the store and pick up a few things? Sure, no problem.
This does not mean hand me a list and say "Have Fun", and then proceed to scurry off to your private quarters and act like Angora rabbits on aphrodisiacs in the middle of spring. One, it's rude. Two, I have told you time and again that the walls in your house have been around since the 1920's. They are THIN AND OLD.
Here's the list:
Wash Dishes
Buy Soda
Spraypaint Bookcase
Watch Skye
I can understand buying soda. And I told you I would spraypaint the bookcase. Those two are fine.
Skye is YOUR dog. You watch the little bastard. I hate him anyway, since he decided one day to use my clothes basket as his personal pee space. All my clothes. ALL OF THEM.
Wash dishes. I thought we had talked about this. You use a dish, you wash a dish. YOU. As in person who used it. Guess what? I DON'T USE THE DAMN DISHES. And don't pull that "I'm pregnant and frail" shit. If that's true, stop fucking smoking like a stack, take your mouth off that damn wine bottle, and wash your own damn dishes. It'd do you some good anyway.
I tell you, the instant I set foot in that airport to leave for California, it will be the happiest day of my life.
BUT WAIT! There's more!
I swear, if I hear another "OMG TERRORIST" story, I will hurt someone.
Yes, I'll admit, the threat is real. But it's election year in Britain. Our own elections here in America are coming up. And look! Bush and Blair have decided to step forward and play savior once again.
To put it in the words of Once Upon A Time In Mexico: "If that's not interagency cooperation, I just don't konw what is."
I smell a rat, folks. And boy is it a big one.
Really, now. The US has put ARMED GUARDS in airports now. As if I needed to feel safer. The last thing I need is some over-zealous guard making a mistake with a gun.
"Police arrested 21 people, saying they were confident they captured the main suspects in what U.S. officials said was a plot in its final phases that had all the earmarks of an al-Qaida operation." -Associated Press
Please. Please, please, PLEASE cut the crap. These are the same administrations who banned FINGERNAIL CLIPPERS from planes. OH, GOD! I'M BEING HELD HOSTAGE BY FINGERNAIL CLIPPERS! NATIONAL CRISIS!
So the plot was to smuggle explosives liquids on board as beverages and such. The police decided to check everything outside of baby formula.
I know! Let's hide it in baby formula next time! And while the police are busy checking common, harmless beverages, like water (because, ha ha, water isn't baby formula), this explosive baby formula will bring the world to it's knees in shock!
I swear, the idiocy of our leaders apalls me more and more each day.
"We believe that these arrests (in London) have significantly disrupted the threat, but we cannot be sure that the threat has been entirely eliminated or the plot completely thwarted," Chertoff said. -AP
You see why I hate politics.