Nov 25, 2006 13:14
Come on, guys! Thanksgiving isn't
Over yet! Or can
Sit around and have a family meal anymore?
Mobs are gathering at stores, lusting for "sales"
Everyone just
Rushes headlong to Christmas...
I grieve for a lost holiday alone.
Save your money by spending it!
Most stupid thing I've ever heard.
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Comments 8
how stores
trying to
expand income and increase
sales by staying open on thanksgiving, which is one of the more asinine things i've heard. way to go,
Actually, I was struck by how similar in structure and tone this poem is to some of the poems that my grandfather often writes.
(And by the way, I *will* comment on your 3 page story. I've read it, but I haven't gotten in the right mood to write about it yet.)
Most good stuff is written with strong emotion, and I sure had strong emotion when I wrote it. Guess which emotion it was. >:}
I've never done a poem with a word going down the side before, tho. It was fun, and challenging, and I don't think I'll be able to do another one. ;) I tried sonnets... they killed me....
FWIW, I didn't buy anything at all on Black Friday. (with the exception of a Döner for lunch.) I just stayed home, for the most part.
And, hey, you could always just go for Cyber Monday ;)
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