Some of you know it already, but these days I have been having troubles with sanitary waters and others. It had obeyed to me to chasing plumbers and bricklayers for several weeks know, but today, finally the problem is already solved... or at least I think so.
The problem started on New Year and it has been really annoying. It could have
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My apartament building is a little older than 30 years, which is ok. Here, there is a law that obeys to test all buildings with some age in order to check everything is ok. However, the structure is how it was done 30 years go, and now, some of those rules are different.
And yes, my neighbor is an idiot. He wants to blame me of something since once day he got pissed off with me because I was sweeping dry leaves on my balcony to outside. He just thought his balcony was getting dirty because those leaves, when the owner is just in front of our appartament: a tree. Does he think tree leaves will fall on my balcony only and not his?
Some people just need to be pissed off about something to be happy.
Eso me recuerda que tengo que llamar yo también a la administradora para que avise al seguro del edificio: el mes pasado tuve goteras, y los inquilinos de mi hermana, en la misma planta, también. Aunque ya se han secado, si lo arreglan ahora, evitaremos que vaya a más en el futuro.
Te pasas media vida pagando una casa y parece que estuviera hecha de papel, leches.
Ahora mismo mi hermana tiene el piso alquilado, así que sí que hay gente, pero vamos, si deben entrar obreros sería una única vez, a echar un vistazo. La obra hay que hacerla en la azotea.
Aaiiiiiiiins. Las casas son el cuento de nunca acabar, sobre todo si tienen sus años...
Sobre el piso de tu hermana, como ellos son sólo inquilinos, tienen que acceder a que entren los obreros, pero como además dices que es poca cosa, mejor.
Pues sí. Pero ya sabes, es como todo ahora: las cosas no se construyen con intención de que duren "para siempre", sino sólo unos pocos años y así que te veas obligado a renovar.
(PD: y ese icono de House?)
Your neighbor sounds absolutely lovely. I guess it is easier to place the blame elsewhere when he doesn't know what's really going on. :P
The brass pipes is a complex issue. In the past, pipes were made of lead, which was nice because it's quite soft and it doesn't become oxidize, but you know plumb isn't healty at all, so eventually the pipes were changed by other matherial, and it was copper (sorry, I wrote brass but it's cupper). I don't know why such matherial was choiced, but that's how is it. I've the feeling there is not a perfect matherial for water pipes, though.
So yeah, I only have to wait for the next break now.
My neighbord is an idiot. He wants to blame me of something-anything because once he got pissed off with me because I was sweeping off my balcony and the tree leaves felt on his. Which is kinda idiot because those leaves belong to a tree that is placed just in front ot our balconies, so his also was plenty of leaves. so he saw on this the perfect chance to make a show. Go figures.
No sé perono me gusta el estilo de fontanería que estás contando.
No sé qué ventajas puede tener el cobre sobre el plomo salvo que es más lijero y no es venenoso. Pero lo demás son desventajas: el cobre es muy buen conductor de la electricidad y el calor, así que esos poros que se abren serán normales por eso mismo.
AL menos las de retorno son de pvc, y eso ya es algo.
Bueno los conocedores saben lo que hacen.
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