If you need a photo-reference for young Ambrose looking woebegone, or if you just think Alan Cumming (or Lenny Henry) is cute, click below for screencaps from
Bernard and the Genie (1991). (Warning: some spoilers.)
Alan Cumming plays a young art expert named Bernard Bottle.
Rowan Atkinson is the embodiment of evil as he fires Bernard for being ethical.
Bernard calls his best friend for moral support, only to learn that his best friend is in bed with Bernard's fiancee.
Woebegone Bernard is woebegone.
Oh, hey, a lamp!
The genie is at first homicidal.
This is not what it looks like.
No, really. They are engaged in mortal combat.
Eventually they stop trying to kill each other and make friends.
A rather nicely-framed shot of Bernard and the genie being emo together.
Hey, wait a minute! The genie can grant wishes!
Bernard is kinda nervous about the whole flying carpet thing.
The genie discovers and revels in contemporary men's fashion. Bernard approves. (Bernard isn't wearing a tartan; he's carrying the magic carpet.)
The genie chooses a girlfriend for Bernard, an equally woebegone Santa's helper whom Bernard considers out of his league, and chats her up, somewhat anachronistically, on Bernard's behalf. She is dubious but intrigued.
Things are going so well there is a spontaneous hug in the middle of the coffee shop.
Uh-oh. Things are not going so well after all. Rowan Atkinson had a hand in this.
The genie's mug shot session is a hoot.
The genie fixes things. Rowan Atkinson is confunded.
Our heroes conspire.
Our heroes celebrate.
Off on another adventure, which means another cool outfit for the genie.
The genie winds up as a Santa's helper for a little while.
Bernard and the genie conspire against the commercialism of Christmas, and watch the results on the evening news with increasing glee.
Rowan Atkinson gets his comeuppance on national TV, and does an awesome fake smile through gritted teeth.
Bernard and the genie rejoice.
Bernard is getting better at not panicking on the flying carpet.
Time to say goodbye. *sniff*
They both look impossibly adorable.
Impulsive final hug.