Limited Internet Connection
(If from HC, please leave a comment at my trading post if you're interested and I'll try to get back to you ASAP.)
LOL, I'm gone for an entire week starting from tonight at 9 p.m. (though technically, our flight leaves at 11:59 p.m. Why couldn't they just make it midnight? :P I'll be back by the 15th (next Saturday) so I should have time to play games that I missed? xDD;; And pick up the staff pay for this week since the site doesn't seem to be responding at the moment. -pokes at it- Works now. :) -goes to answer masteries and pick up pay-
Today was full of surprises. x3 I made top 10 of my class! @__@ Last time I checked I was #12 and this... kinda took me by surprise.
Liz: Elodie! Are you top 10?
Me: Um, no? O__O;;
Liz: (checks list) Yeah, you are! Go sit in the front!
Me: @__________@ -meekly goes-
I think I was #8 or #9? Nowhere near "Number One" (as Ben calls her) or "God" (as... Ben, Austin, and Sean call him. x3;;) fjdkslgh. I got a pretty certificate and a semi-okay medal though. 8DDD I have no idea what I'll do with it though. :P
History went well despite all my misgivings. My teacher actually said that she really liked the connections I made. @___@ I'm kinda curious, though, about how the other group doing the same topics will do...
Had my French oral today. Totally got that off my shoulders and, despite finishing it off and thinking it was well over, helped another classmate practice her French on me while I gave her corrections as she told me... how life was kinda bad for her right now. My heart went out to her, but I really can't do anything since the problem is her parents. D;
On another note, I'm excited for New York! 8DD;; Not so much about the conference, but fjdksghsljf HELLO CITY WITH FRIENDS AND NO PARENTS!! x3 ♥
-flail- Well, Imma stop now and go print out my research and try to fit in all my homework in my luggage. You'd think that we'd get a break... -___-;;