i am the devil and i love it. yes, being mean must be my forte'. it oddly enough makes me happy and giddy. giving people hell and pissing them off makes my life so much more happy. does this make me a bad person? no no no no no. agh this is getting boring, i am gonna go eat brownies and the go be mean some more...
i am about to do some serious damage to someone. i know someone has to be down with helping...ummm ciara? yeah, i know you can be evil. let's slash some tires...
so another night i sit at home without doing anything riviting in nature. well i got out of the house for like 2 hours or so. after i helped my mom clean out the bathroom and closet shelvs i got dressed, without makeup on and went out to the cooker then off to sams club, where i did not find what i wanted. i came home to lay in my bed and watch the
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