Title: Trying to Beat the Rain
Rating: R for language
Fandom: Generation Kill
Pairings/Characters: Brad/Nate pre-slash, Ray/Walt pre-slash if you squint, mentions of Patterson, Sixta
Word Count: 930
Brad sprawls back against the truck door and sends Nate a look that says )
Comments 3
Oh god, that bit right there got me. Such a cute little moment between the two of them. I can so picture all of this, and it's lovely. (This is Lou off Tumblr btw. Hello Amelia!)
I really loved that they were country boys working on a farm. At first I did think it was maybe set earlier in 20th century, but then realized Brad just has a cool truck.
Brad opens his door, pauses, pulls a Lee High cap out of his back pocket, and climbs into the truck. Nate slides into the other side of the truck and puts his feet up on Brad's dashboard. Brad swats him with the hat before pulling it down over his ears.
THIS. THIIIIISSSS. Nate put his feet on the dash! Then he sings "Song of the South". DYING.
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