pictures galore!

May 16, 2004 15:11

im so tired.. yet i was so determined to put these up.
prom 2004 )

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Comments 9

vts88 May 16 2004, 15:57:22 UTC
asian invasion is right haha...yeah, you looked beautiful last night, and i also made sure to say that to my date too, i think i ended saying it 3 times...and of course i wasn't saying it just because you told me to, i meant it everytime i said it


sonnie May 16 2004, 16:42:10 UTC
those are some great pictures :) I hope you had a fabulous time.


crazieoveryou May 16 2004, 19:50:11 UTC
Awesome pictures Amy!!!
Aw you looked so beautiful last night. And YES... dear lord that IS some cleavage. Oh my. You musta liked that didn't ya? HAHAH.... JK.
God I look gross in that pic... ew. Too much dancing in the middle of the floor gets really hot. Phew!


andawaywego May 16 2004, 20:43:21 UTC
you looked great last night, as did the rest of the girls... (c'mon its true and you all know it) hope you had a good time...


sleepingbeauty4 May 16 2004, 20:56:29 UTC

I'm so glad we saw you guys as we were leaving. You looked drop-dead gorgeous last night. It really shows in the pictures, too. I just showed them to my mother and the first thing out of her mouth was, "wow, she is so beautiful." :D

And Chris! Look at him! My goodness, he looked so handsome. You guys looked amazing.


I'm glad you had a fun evening! And, so glad we saw you. :D


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