I am soo sick of snow, it's not even funny. I would wish for it to snow everyday, and it finally did, for 3 days straight! We had so much snow. Thank God it all melted =D
la la fragiile!
December 23 2003, 08:58:43 UTC
whoa whoa, look who's little miss popular here! yeh,. i'll relink you. in the meantime, do continue pouring in your support for me! bwahaha. well, how have you been all this time, hibernating in your cosy hole of a home. didn't really see you in grad night ehh. haha. well well, all the best in all you do yehh. phwoar. that sounded so we're never going to see each other again-ish. haha. i'm rambling. anyhow, take care dear! and have a merry christmas. :D
Comments 14
p.s. smart, my clean, shiny ass. bwahaha! :D
You are smart AND pretty! Some people get everything.. hrmph.lol
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