Mar 31, 2009 23:13

see what yamapi and toma wrote on their jwebs :D

Yamashita 3/29

PM 8:07

I am Yamashita.

I have returned from Kyoto.

I’m lying.

But I don’t like lying.

If I tell the truth in my own thoughts within 5 seconds, then I don’t consider myself to be lying.

I arbitrarily made up that rule.

So if I follow the rule, then I’m not lying.

So I hate lying.

It’s not manly at all.

And it makes a person feel disgusting.

And when the lie is discovered, you feel even more disgusting.

So I don’t want to lie and I try not to lie.

But if my not lying puts a friend’s life in danger

In such a horrible instance, I would lie.

Otherwise, I don’t want to lie.

Hey, Toma, my thoughts are correct, right? (smile)


Toma 3/30


Yamashita-kun, are you messing with me?

“Don’t want to lie” huh?

Yeah, that’s true.

I always want to live justly and with integrity.

It’s probably because I want to treat the things I like with integrity.
For me, that means acting, so I’ll definitely be serious when I act.

Is preserving this integrity correct…in this society, I think it’s hard to say…

The actors that I like…

The sempai and kouhai that I like…


Everyone is very serious.

So it true after all that when living, you should be passionate and work hard for something.
Because we live in this kind of society, that is the attitude we should have.

Yeah. I’ve said things like that to Yamashita lately.

…Have I said anything?

Or is he just messing around…

After reading Yamashita’s diary, you’d think I did something bad.
So I very anxiously asked him…

“Sorry. I was just messing with you (smiley). Let’s go out to eat (peace sign)”

That was his reply.

He hasn’t changed at all…



Yamashita 3/31/09

After work today, I’m going out to eat with Toma!

After I messed with him in my diary yesterday, he sent a text full of concern.

I ended up causing trouble for him. (Laugh)

But that he would be concerned about me,
makes me feel warm.

I will have a nice chat with him (thumbs up)

We’ll chat about our true thoughts and feelings.

yeah! yamapi acts like a kid who wants to be with his brother :p
aww. . .

credit goes to teacup79

ja ne~

tomapi, yamashita tomohisa, ikuta toma

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