Abe Verse
Dean/Castiel, Sam/Gabriel, OC’s
All Stories/PDF Aerie
aer·ie [air-ee, eer-ee]
1. the nest of a bird of prey, as an eagle or a hawk.
2. a lofty nest of any large bird.
3. a house, fortress, or the like, located high on a hill or mountain.
Part One PG, 500 words
Part Two PG, 500 words
Part Three PG, 500 words
Part Four PG, 500 words
Part Five PG, 500 words
Part Six PG, 500 words
Part Seven PG, 500 words
Part Eight PG, 500 words
Part Nine PG, 500 words
Part Ten PG, 500 words
1. a number of animals of one kind, esp. sheep, goats, or birds, that keep or feed together or are herded together.
2. a large number of people; crowd.
3. a large group of things: a flock of letters to answer.
Part One PG, 500 words
Part Two PG, 500 words
Part Three PG, 500 words
Part Four PG, 500 words
Part Five PG, 500 words
Part Six PG, 500 words
Part Seven PG-13, 500 words
Part Eight PG-13, 500 words
Part Nine PG-13, 500 words
Part Ten PG-13, 500 words
-noun, verb, mat·ed, mat·ing.
1. husband or wife; spouse.
2. one member of a pair of mated animals.
3. one of a pair: I can't find the mate to this glove.
4. a counterpart.
Part One R, 500 words
Part Two PG, 500 words
Part Three PG, 500 words
Part Four PG-13, 500 words
Part Five PG, 500 words
Part Six PG, 500 words
Part Seven PG, 500 words
Part Eight PG-13, 500 words
Part Nine PG-13, 500 words
Part Ten PG, 500 words
-verb (used with object)
1. to choose or take as one's own; make one's own by selection or assent: to adopt a nickname.
2. to take and rear (the child of other parents) as one's own child, specifically by a formal legal act.
3. to take or receive into any kind of new relationship: to adopt a person as a protégé.
Part One PG-13, 500 words
Part Two PG-13, 500 words
Part Three PG-13, 500 words
Part Four PG-13, 500 words
Part Five PG-13, 500 words
Part Six PG-13, 500 words
Part Seven PG-13, 500 words
Part Eight PG-13, 500 words
Part Nine PG-13, 500 words
Part Ten PG-13, 500 words