my friend(s).jubjubSeptember 11 2004, 00:32:24 UTC
Guys do deffinately have this image to live up to. I don't really consider anyone my best friend, but this doesn't mean I don't care for fact, and I'm sure this is how it is with you too...I care for everyone A LOT. Without getting too mushy, just being a friend makes people part of a ultra special yet small group that is my friends and while I can't think of exactly the right words to express how I feel about my friends I'll say this much: "friends and family", to me these two groups are one, that's the people I love.
in the samurai code they use to say that crying was weak, but not crying when you lose a loved one was even more weak.
One day...ketonetomeSeptember 11 2004, 14:35:28 UTC
I'm sorry things aren't right for you lately. Whatever it is... I hope things start treating you better. Especially after that entry, me telling you I'm here for you might not be what you want to hear... but Alex--- I will show you me, one day- that is my plan. You're special to me and I want to be to you what you were to me. I am/always will be here- it's up to you if you want to take advantage of that... I'm really hoping one day you will. I'll be thinking of you...
you need to open up your heart and let someone in, or she will be waiting in that trolly car a long time. or swimming in the ocean in circles waiting for you.
Comments 6
in the samurai code they use to say that crying was weak, but not crying when you lose a loved one was even more weak.
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