So I'm supposed to be doing a newspaper story......I love procrastination.

Feb 28, 2005 19:39

[1] Name: Patrick
[2] Age: 17
[3] Sex: Male
[4] Star sign: Aries
[5] B’day: April 12
[6] Nicknames: Petey, Pat, Patch, Patch Daddy, Patchy

[7] Hair color: Brown/black
[8] Long Hair/Short Hair: Long for a guy, especially when it's straightened
[9] Eye color: Brown
[10] Height: 6'0"

[11] School: MSHS
[12] School colors: Orange and blue
[13] Grade: Senior
[14] Fave male teacher: Potter or Robuck
[15] Fave female teacher: Colbert
[16] Worst male teacher: I don't get bad male teachers
[17] Worst female teacher: Koberlein
[18] Fave subject: Newspaper or A.P. English
[19] Worst subject: A.P. English because I'm failing it, or Pre-Calc because math just sucks

People You Know...
[20] Funnest: Probabaly all the regular guys that I hang out with
[21] Funniest: Me.......if not me, then Matt
[22] Best for advice: Brittany Salm
[23] Prettiest: Me again. Ok, so I lied, I'm not pretty. Ehhh, I dunno. Brittany, Keary, how's that
[24] Ugliest: If I answer this and said person reads it, I'm screwed.
[25] Nicest: Everyone.
[26] Meanest: Nobody is mean to me.
[27] Smartest: Gerst, or Jeremy, possibly Shores.
[29] Worst enemy: Whoever leaves anonymous messages bashing The Brown Dimes and myself. Yeah, that's who it is.
[30] Wildest: Everyone gets wild when they're drunk, but Dane/Matt/Dustin are wild mofo's anyway.
[31] Craziest: See above.
[32] Loudest: I dunno if anyone is louder than me, how about Matt.
[33] Quietest: Bales
[34] Most calm: I dunno, Keary is pretty calm when shit hits the fan. And by that, I mean everyone is too drunk to make pizza.
[35] Best for girl advice: Dane or Brittany or Cade
[36] Who know’s all your secrets: Brittany
[37] Whose secrets do u no: Brittany
[38] Shyest: Nobody, really
[39] Teacher's pet: Nobody. All my friends are mostly anti-school.
[40] Who gets in most trouble: Jeez. Matt, Dustin, and the list goes on
[41] Class clown: Matt is really funny.
[42] You <3 the most: Actually, I hate all of you.
[43] Most understanding: Brittany, Cade
[44] Most trustworthy: Brittany (again)
[45] Best hair: Psh, come on. Do you have to ask?
[46] Biggest flirt: Probabaly Cade
[47] Best handwriting: Not Matt.

Do you…
[48] Believe in god: Yeah
[49] Dress up on halloween: Not anymore. Now I just kidnap people and almost get in fiery auto crashes.
[50] Like to travel: It's ok. I'd rather chill by myself.
[51] Ever have the falling dream: Not near as much.
[52] Have stuffed animals: Yes.
[53] Believe in magic: No. Potter said magic was just using physics.
[54] Do your own laundry: Never
[55] Clean your house: Haha, yeah right.
[56] Own a furby: No
[57] Like hugs: I reckon so
[58] Like kisses: I reckon so
[59] Have a job: No, hahahha!
[60] Keep a diary: Nope
[61] Wear make-up: No
[62] Wear glasses: Yea
[63] Have any peircings: I want my ears done
[64] Want to kill someone: No
[65] Love Someone At The Moment: Nope
[66] Who:
[67] Know the national anthem: Who doesn't?
[68] Talk to yourself: Not much. I sing to myself though
[69] Talk to your pets: Nope
[70] Snore: I dunno.

[71] Books: Actually, I hate reading. I just do A.P. English for the babes.
[72] Kind of Chain letters: None
[73] Poems: None
[74] TV shows: I don't watch too much TV
[75] Male singer: In a band? Rivers Cuomo (Weezer)
[76] Female singer: None
[77] CD: Can't answer
[78] Band: Weezer, AC/DC, Led Zeppelin, Van Halen, etc.
[79] Movie: The Boondock Saints
[80] Musical: None
[81] Song: I can't pick just one.
[82] Website: None
[83] Music Award Show: None
[84] Music Video: Stacy's Mom is a hoot.
[85] Soda: Mountain Dew or Orange Slice
[86] Fast Food Place: McDonald's, Arby's, Wendy's
[87] What do you get there: Food
[89] Kind of pizza: Pepperoni
[90] Ice cream: Chocolate chip cookie dough
[91] Holiday: New Years......I love it
[92] Thing to do in winter: Sleep
[93] Thing to do in summer: Hang out
[94] Thing to do on weekends: Sleep, hang out, play videgames
[95] Dream vacation spot: Somewhere that people won't nag me
[96] Place to shop: Music Shoppe or wherever at the mall
[97] Thing to do on a rainy day: Videogames and guitar
[98] Thing to do on a sunny day: Skateboard
[99] Color: Red
[100] Magazine: PC Gamer
[101] Place in your house: My room
[102] Place to be alone: My room
[103] Kind of house: Big
[104] Place to live: Not Seymour
[105] Kind of occupation: Writer
[106] Memory from childhood: I still am a child. So, bonfires
[107] Memory with friends: Bonfires, movies, just hanging out
[108] Party you've ever been to: Ones at Eastern are off the hook.

[109] Are you straight, gay, or bi: Straight
[110] What are some of your pet peeves: People that don't listen
[111] What are some of your phobias: Alone, needles, whatever
[112] Do you want children in the future: Sure
[113] Do you want to get married: Yeah
[114] How many fillings/cavities do you have: Zero
[115] Are you right or left handed: Right
[116] What posters do you have on your walls: The Darkness, Van Halen, Velvet Revolver, some skateboarding ones
[117] What kind of house are you in: An old farmhouse
[118] Have you ever broken a bone: Yes
[119] Have you ever had stitches: Oh yea
[120] What's the weirdest place you've ever made out: Mmm, I don't kiss and tell. Ok, my mom's car. But not with my mom you sick fuck.

This Or That...
[121] Peanut butter/Jelly: Jelly
[122] Drive/Walk: Drive
[123] Good/Bad: Good
[124] MTV/Comedy Central: MTV
[125] Ice/Roller skating: Skateboarding
[126] Purse/Wallet: Wallet
[127] Chocolate milk/Regular milk: Chocolate
[128] Tall/Short: Either or
[129] Blue eyes/Brown eyes: Doesn't matter
[130] Books/Movies: Movies
[131] Comedy/Horror: Horror
[132] Lights On/Off during a movie: Off
[133] Theater/Video: Theater, but video to cuddle. It's hard to cuddle with the damn armrest things.
[134] Red/Blue: Red
[135] Top/Bottom: Bottom
[136] Morning/Night: Night
[137] Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate
[138] Cat/Dog: Neither
[139] McDonalds/Burger King: McDonalds
[140] Metallica/Nirvana: Metallica.......Nirvana sucks
[141] Coke/Pepsi: Coke
[142] Black/White: Both
[143] Left handed/Right handed: Right
[144] Mom/Dad: Mom
[145] North America/South America: El Norte
[146] Football/Rugby: Football
[147] Gold/Silver: Gold
[148] CD's/Cassettes: CD
[149] TV/Cinema: Cinema
[150] Video/DVD: DVD
[151] Glasses/Contact lenses: Glasses
[152] Brown hair/Red hair: Brown
[153] Chinese/Italian: Food? Chinese.
[154] Ocean/Sea: Ocean
[155] Sun/Moon: Moon
[156] Plane/Boat: Boat
[157] Early bird/Night owl: Night owl
[158] Jaguar/Mercades: Benz
[159] Yellow/Blue: Blue
[160] Windows/MAC: Windows
[161] Eminem/Dr Dre: Neither
[162] Buffy/Angel: None
[163] Basketball/Baseball: Basketball, but if we're playing, it's Brigga Ball
[164] Curly hair/Straight hair: Curly, duh
[165] Mars/Snickers: Snickers

About Girls...
[166] What do you look for in a girl: Funny, fun to be with, understanding, etc.
[167] Good girls/bad girls: Either or, as long as they fit the above requirements
[168] Long hair/short hair on a girl: Long.....I hate dyke hair
[169] Older or younger girls: I'm not picky as long as the difference isn't too great.
[170] Do u have a gf: No
[180] Who:
[190] Who do you like: You might find out sometime
[191] Tall or short girls: Taller is nice, but I'm not picky
[192] Fave hair color on a girl: Anything but red

Are you…
[194] Frigid: no
[195] Gay: no
[196] Bi: no
[197] Lesbo: no
[198] Straight: yep
[199] Evil: Not reall
[200] Good: Sometimes
[201] Christian: Yeah
[202] Single: Yes
[203] Taken: No
[204] Crazy: Yea
[205] Immature: Sometimes
[206] Mature: Sometimes
[207] Quiet: Never
[208] Loud: Yes

When Was The Last Time You...
[209] Left your house: This morning
[210] Slept: Last night
[211] Got mad: A while ago
[212] Ate something: An hour or so ago
[213] Showered: This morning
[214] Watched tv: Ages ago
[215] Friends came over: Last Saturday
[216] Ate ice cream: A while
[217] Kissed someone: Many moons ago. But I wouldn't mind one right now from a certain someone.
[218] Went to a movie: The Grudge, a long time ago
[219] Cried: A while
[220] Talked on the phone: Also, a while
[221] Ate nerds: While as well
[222] Drank grape juice: Even longer than a while
[223] Went skating: Friday, skateboarding
[224] Went to the doctor: Sometime for my wrist
[225] Got grounded: Actually, a week ago
[226] What for: Let's see. Having a party when my parents weren't home, lying to them about it, getting caught on the lie, drinking, smoking pot, and getting shitty grades.

Who Is The Last Person You...
[227] Talked to: Mom
[228] Talked to on the phone: Probabaly Matt or Dane or Dustin.
[229] Called: MAtt or Dane or Dustin
[230] Kissed: Mom
[231] Said I love you to: Mom, most likely
[232] Got angry with: Parents
[233] Bitched about behind their back: I don't recall
[234] Cried about: I don't really remember
[235] Had a crush on: You know, if you want to know, you already would
[236] Punched: Matt? Cade? I don't have a clue.
[237] Fought with: Parents
[238] Visited: Vince at Eastern
[239] Talked to on AIM: Brittany
[240] Hugged: Brittany

Are You...
[242] Understanding: Yes
[243] Mean: Sometimes
[244] Nice: Yes
[245] Open minded: Yes
[246] Insecure: Not too often
[247] Talkative: Yes
[248] Trust worthy: Yeah
[249] Interesting: I think so
[250] Smart: I try
[251] Dumb: I don't try, but it happens
[252] Moody: It happens
[253] Organized: No
[254] Messy: Yeah
[255] Angry: Sometimes
[256] Sad: I can be
[257] Happy: I am most of the time, and the times that I'm not, I try to act happy.
[258] Crazy: Yes
[259] Calm: Rarely

In The Past 24 Hours Have You...
[260] Had a serious talk: Yeah
[261] Hugged someone: Yes
[262] Fought with someone: Not yet
[263] Cried: No, but I have wanted to
[264] Laughed: Yes
[265] Made someone laugh: Yes
[266] Bought something: Lunch
[267] Cut your hair: No
[268] Felt stupid: Yes
[269] Talked to someone you love: in 24 hours? Yeah
[270] Missed someone: Si
[271] Been dumped/asked out: Nope
[272] Kissed someone: Nope
[273] Broken the law: I sped on the way home.

I've also thought that all girls suck. Yeah, it's almost true. But then I realize it's not.
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