Another Survey...
1) First Grade Teacher: Mrs. Schmidt (I think that is how you spell it...At Ella Barnes.)
2) Last word you said: 'Good night' to my mom.
3) Last song you sang: Um...I dunno.
4) Last person you hugged: My mom.
5) Last thing you laughed at: I dunno.
6) Last time you said 'I love you': Its been awhile...No, wait...I told Lauren I loved her on the phone last night...But before that, I have no idea.
7) Last time you cried: Um...A couple days ago.
8) What's in your CD player: A mix I made today.
9) What colour socks are you wearing: I'm not wearing socks.
10) What's under your bed: Um...Alot of crap...And another bed...Hah.
11) What time did you wake up today: Around 11.
12) Current taste: I just took a sip of water...So...
13) Current hair: Ponytail/Bun...Curly...Frizzy...Blonde.
14) Current clothes: Pajamas with an old skool hoodie for Yorktown High.
15) Current annoyance: Boredom.
16) Current longing: Sleep...Or something productive to do.
17) Current desktop picture: Its a Blue/silver/black swirly thingie...Its purdy.
18) Current worry: Um...I dunno...I have a couple...So I don't think I'll list them...Because they are all weighing on my mind equally.
19) Current hate: Everything on my mind.
20) Story behind your LJ username: I don't really like that song...It was more of a joke.
21) Current favourite article of clothing: This hoodie I'm wearing...It's nice and warm...And has a faint scent of colonge. <333 Memorys...=)
22a) Favourite physical feature of the opposite sex: Eyes.
22b) Favourite physical feature of the same sex: Um...I dunno...
23) Last CD that you bought: Ummmmm...I can't remember.
24) Favourite place to be: Um...At home.
25) Least favourite place: Home...Its odd...I hate being at home, and I hate being away from home. I just want a life. =(
26) Time you wake up in the morning: 5:45 or 6 on a skool day...11 or later on the weekend. =)
27) If you could play an instrument, what would it be: The guitar...It confuses me...I kinda just gave up.
28) Favourite color: Blue.
29) Do you believe in an afterlife: Maybe...
30) How tall are you: 5'8" give or take.
31) Current favourite word/saying: I have many...I can't name just one.
32) Favourite book: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
33) Favourite season: Winter.
34) One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: Um...There are a few people I wish I could talk to again...But mostly I wish I could talk to Liz again. (She died of a drug overdose when I was younger. RIP.)
35) Favourite day: Saturdays prolly.
36) Where do you want to go: Europe...It seems beautiful there.
37) What is your career going to be like: I have no freakin idea.
39) What kind of car will you have: Hopefully one that actually runs.
40) Type a line you remember from any book: Leila LaSalle (That is a character in a book I'm reading.)
41) A random lyric: I dunno.
42) Identify some things surrounding your computer: Coke cans...Water bottles...Tape...My phone...Blank CDs...A sharpie...DVDs...My camera...A photo album and some pictures from Garner.
1. is your name: Stephanie.
2. is your nickname: Steph, stephie...
3. are you wearing: Pajamas and a hoodie. (Its cold in the house)
4. is your favorite thing to do: Sleep.
5. is your room like: Um...Cluttered. I need to clean BAAAAAAAAD.
6. is your favorite drink: Um...I dunno. Coke?
7. is your car: Don't have one.
8. is your job: Don't have one.
9. is your education: 8th grade.
10. is your favorite holiday: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...???
1. Fallen for your best friend? Not my best friend...
3. Been rejected?: Yeah.
4. Been in love?: I'm not sure...I don't think so.
5. Used someone?: No.
6. Been used?: Yes.
7. Why did you feel inclined to add a question 7?: I don't get it...
8. Done something you regret?: I have many regrets...
9. You hugged: My mom.
10. You talked to?: My cat...(OMG I'm a loser...hah.)
12. You instant messaged?: Lance...I think.
13. You yelled at?: ???
14. You laughed with?: Prolly Shawn on Friday on my way home...
15. Who broke your heart?: I don't wanna think about it.
19. Color your hair?: No.
20. Have tattoos?: Nuhuh.
21. Have piercings?: My ears.
22. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Nope.
23. Own a webcam? Nope.
24. Own a thong? Yupppp.
25. Ever get off the damn computer? Occasionally.
27. Habla espanol? Um...Not very much.
29. Stolen anything? When I was little...My dad beat the shit outta my ass...I will never steal anything again.
30. Smoke? I have...Not in a while.
32. Obsessive? Maybe just a bit sometimes.
33. Compulsive? I don't know.
34. Obsessive compulsive? I don't know.
35. Panic? Sometimes.
36. Anxiety? Yeah.
37. Depressed? Alot.
38. Suicidal? Um...Not very much anymore...Not nearly as bad as I used to be though, so I guess thats good.
39. Obsessed with hate? Um...No.
40. Dream of mutilated bodies, blood, death, gore? I've had nitemares about dying.
41. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? I don't know.
42. Can you do anything freakish with your body? Not that I can think of.
43. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others? I dunno...Eyes?
44. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president? Not just because she was a woman.
45. Would you marry for money?: That's not right.
46. Have you had braces?: No...But I might get them.
47. Do you pluck your eyebrows? Yeah...But, I haven't in a while.
48. Do you like hairy backs? Ew...haha...Not really.
49. Do you like hairy crotches?: LMAO...Hahahahahahahhaahhahahahaha.
50. Could you live without a computer?: Yeah...But I'd be all...wierder than I already am.
51. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc: Yeah.
52. If so, how many people are on your list(s)?: I cleaned it up...There are 40 now. =)
53. If you could live in any past, where would it be: ???
54. Do you wear white socks?: Sometimes.
55. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?: I wear them in the house unless they are dirty or muddy or something...
56. Your favorite fruit?: Um...Strawberrys are good.
57. Do you eat wheat bread or white?: White...I don't really like wheat bread...Its too grainy.
58. What is your favorite place to visit?: I dunno.
59. What is the last movie you saw?: Meet the Fockers in theaters and Napolean Dynamite on DVD.
60. Are you religious?: Sometimes.
61. Are you photogenic?: I hate the way I look in
62. Do you dream in color or black and white?: Color...I had one black and white dream though that I remember...It was wierd.
63. Are you wearing fingernail polish? Nope.
64. Is it chipped or fresh?: ...
65. Do you have any dimples? I have a right dimple when I smile really big...But I never smile really big.
66. Do you remember being born? Um...God...If anyone remembers that you would be like, tramatized.
67. Why do you take surveys?: I'm so freaking bored.
68. Do you drink alcohol? Not often.
69. Did you like or do you dislike high school?: I'm still in middle skool.
70. What is the best accent? I dunno.
71. Who do you want to kiss? ???
72. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?: Sunsets...Sunrises is too early, lol.
73. Do you want to live to be 100?: Um...I dunno.
74. Is a flat stomach important to you?: Not really...Considering I don't really have a flat stomach.
75. Do you or have you played with a ouija board? What is that?
76. Are you loyal?: Sure.
77. Are you tolerant of other peoples beliefs?: Yeah.
78. At home, do you like the lights on or off?: It depends.
79. Do you like your nose?: I guess its okay...
80. Do you think you can draw well?: Psh, no...But I try.
81. At what age did you find out that Santa Clause wasn't real?: When I was 7...My stupid fucking uncle was a moron...I thought Santa Clause was so cool...That kinda broke my heart being so young...Especially since he told me...I've always hated him...Thank god he is out of our family.
82. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?: I have lots of shoes in my closet...But i don't think they fit.
83. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety? I change between 2 pairs.
84. Do you write poetry?: Sometimes...
85. Snore?: I don't think so.
86. Do you sleep more on your back or front? My stomach or on my right side.
87. Cats/Dogs?: Cats
88. Do you lick stamps?: It tastes icky.
89. Do you use an electric can opener?: I did when it wasn't broke.
90. Have you ridden in a hotair balloon?: Psh, I would be SOOOOOOOOO scared.
91. Do you talk to yourself?: Yes.
92. Are you judgmental?: Sometimes.
93. Smoked your first cigarette?: ???
94. Got drunk for the first time?: I've never been drunk.
95. Smoked pot for the first time?: 4th or 5th grade.
96. Kissed someone? Prolly like, 4...hah. That I can remember was 10.
97. Made out with someone?: Umm...Never.
98. Lost your virginity?: I'm still a virgin.