Title: Where Heroes Come From (2/7)
Rating/Warnings: PG, slight angst, fluff, possible spoilers, slight AU in some parts
Summary: Mother's Day means different things to different people. Even among heroes.
Author's note: Eli's POV. There will be more from the other YAs.
Part 2: Gratitude )
Comments 3
A correction : the plain tickets - plain should be 'plane'. A plain is a flat surface, a 'plane' is an aircraft.
Kanye West! Yeah, baby. *flusters at the thought of YA listening to his last album - good music, but problematic. Oh, Kayne*
Food, omg. Food! Birthday food is the best food, I swear. Meatloaf, and cake? Nom.
This was very striking to me. His grandma and grandpa have been more of parents to him than his mother ever was, but his Mom, though not very good at showing love or affection, still cares enough to remember and to contact him.
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