(no subject)

Aug 03, 2006 12:11

hi everyone! ive been tagged so here i am! XD

i've been tagged by the sweet gekka_no_neko so here's mine :P

Rules: Choose five people to do this after you have completed yours, and start your post with "I have been tagged".

Your 10 favourites
Favourite Colours: purple, black, white and silver.
Favourite Food: italian, chinese, maltese (I wanna try japanese food T.T)
Favourite Songs: all Gackt’s discography ^_^’
Favourite Movies: Moon Child, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean 1 & 2!, Van Helsing, Edward Scissorhands, and loads more XD
Favourite Sports: I dunno… volleyball I think? Or running :P
Favourite Season: spring/summer here we dnt have much of a difference
Favourite Day of the Week: Saturday
Favourite Ice Cream Flavours: Vanilla (and no it doesn’t have to do ANYTHING with Gackt… ive always liked vanilla.. ^^’)
Favourite Countries: Italy & Japan
Favourite Things: my drawings & Gackt stuff XD

Your 9 currents
Current Mood: so and so
Current Clothes: beige shorts, beige top and a writband… < my arm is hurting ^^’
Current Desktop: a wallpaper I made of Sanzo & Goku (Saiyuki) under the rain O.o (which will change soon I change wall every week.. minimum.. ^^’)
Current Toe Nail colour: toes?? Goldish natural colour
Current Time: 11.58AM
Current Annoyance: heat
Current Thoughts: im bored and on my nerves XD and when will Murder diagnosis start???!
Current Song: Mirror - MARS vr
Current "Chatter": gackt singing? No kidding none ^^

Your 8 firsts
First Best Friend: Mariona.. >.>
First Crush: Richie I assume.. ^^’ from a band XD
First Movie: Edward Scissorhands it the movie I remember most back..XD
First Piercing: ears
First Lie: I don’t actually recall O.o
First Music: O__O classical?
First Car: none
First Cry: at birth? < thanks for the brilliant ans gekka-chan XD

Your 7 lasts
Last Cigarette: never
Last Drink: alcoholic? < last saturday, just a sip Or not? XD now XD Iced Tea XD
Last Car Ride: Sunday to and from the sea :P
Last Crush: ugh….dunno.. -.-
Last Movie seen: Nightmare before Xmas, but we saw bits and pieces from all 4 movies of HP too ^^’
Last Phone Call: my sister.. xD
Last CD Played: DIABOLOS & MOON I dnt recallw hcih was last, coz I played them one after the other XD I think was DIABOLOS though

Your 6 Have you evers
Have you ever dated one of your best friends: uhm.. no.. coz theyr all females ^^’
Have you ever broken the law: no…. not that I recall O_O
Have you ever been arrested: no..
Have you ever been on TV: I mightve …my parents took me to some stupid tv show once in the public.. so I dnt really know XD
Have you ever kissed someone that you don't know: no

4 things you've done today: woke up kinda late, ate breakfast, answering LJs :P, saw photos of a friend in Tokyo in 2004 for Gackts live.. *envies*
3 things you hear right now: Gackt singing Mind Forest, the TV on my head XD and the fan in my room
2 things you can't live without: food and Gackt. < couldn’t put it better :P
Things you do when you are bored: PC, photoshop, drawing, hearing music
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