So sorry to hear your dad has a stroke. Mine had a stroke two years ago, and it's still really rough every day... he's gotten back a tiny bit of movement in his left side, but he's essentially completely paralyzed on that side (sucks because he used to be left handed, and he also was a guitar/bass player professionally). Thankfully, he didn't lose his speech, but he has memory problems now. I hope your dad continues to recover, it sounds like he's already making progress! *hugs*
Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Small world, huh? Glad he didn't lose his speech, hope his ongoing recovery continues. Sounds like every stroke victim is different, different stuff is affected and some things heal quicker than others. It's so hard to watch Dad try to say what's on his mind, but mostly gibberish being the only thing coming out. It's like his brain and his mouth aren't working in sync, y'know? It's crazy, I couldn't even imagine how frustrated he must be, especially since he's a doctor who is used to using complicated language (he probably knows exactly what's going on in his body, but he can't explain any of it). But each week I see him, he seems to have improved a little more. I'll have to start seeing him twice a month since it's expensive to commute every week, I'll bet he'll be saying full sentences in no time :) *HUGS* to you too, Margie!
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