Title: Evanescence
Tagline: Bring me to life
Author: amethystrose001
Pairing: Adam Lambert/Tommy Joe Ratliff
Genre: Romance. Humor, Fantasy
Summary: Tommy, is new to the vampire world, but all things dont go good for him; he's betrayed by his own and prisoned in an icy cage forever. Adam's a lonely businessman out on a trip for soul searching. Destinies clash... Yeah right, like I'm gonna tell anything more...
Disclaimer: All fictious, all fictious...Sigh, so want all these to be real.. please, dont even think of posting this story anywhere else...I just wrote it down for fun, no offense intended... This is a fictional story about real people (who are really NOT as strange as I portrait them).Please do not tweet or post them or their relatives any link to this, or by any means let them even know that this fic exists...dont own the songs and lyrics I insert in between. Title and tagline from Evanescence
Warnings & Notes: slash pairing, and you know the drill