Title: My Teenage Dream
Author: amethystrose001
Pairing: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Summary: As posted from the X-men kink meme, for
this prompt.
Nerdy and shy Charles Xavier gets a makeover from Raven and Emma, and suddenly everyone in the school has the hots for him. Erik Lehnsherr, one of the popular kids, always had a crush on him, but now that the whole school is suddenly proposing his Charles, he tries to prove his love.
Disclaimer: All fictitious, all fictitious...I don’t own anything, not the characters or the story plot. Only words are mine, and I enjoy playing with them.
Warnings & Notes: Slash, fluff, and a whole lot of drama. Title from Katy Perry's song, because yes, this was meant for them. Also, this is my first story for this fandom, so please be gentle with me?