Title: Ganymede
Tagline: Come fall in love with the stars
Author: ~Malini~ amethystrose001
Pairing: Adam/Tommy
Rating: PG 13
Inspiration: My English drama book, yeah...I dont believe that as well...but when I found out that Jupiter (the king of Gods) fell in love with Ganymede, a human, I got this Crazzzzy plot in my head.
Summary: Guess it, Adam’s the youngest son of Jupiter, and he’s the God the the night sky. Tommy’s just another human being…or is he? Nope, guess who’s the son of Ganymede here??? Lolz, Okay, so you got it. Adam finds out about his father’s unrequited love, (actually Ganymede’s loved him back too, but the “relationship” wasn’t possible, whatever), Adam then actually like “discovers” the beautiful Tommy…and, (yeah, sure, like I’ll tell you everything in the summary, go find out… Come, fall in love with the stars… :)
Disclaimer: All fictitious, all fictitious...Sigh, so want all these to be real.. dont own the songs and lyrics I insert in between. I just wrote it down for fun, no offense intended... This is a fictional story about real people (who are really NOT as strange as I portrait them).Please do not tweet or post them or their relatives any link to this, or by any means let them even know that this fic exists... ..
Warnings & Notes: slash pairing, crude language, future sex