Twas the night before Christmas, and all through the hall, not a person was stirring, even the scientists asleep did fall! The stockings were hung 'round the lounge with care, in hopes that even more presents would soon be there. The residence of the castle were all snuggled in beds, with dreams of Christmas back home filling their heads. With Gatekeeper aglow, and Komui in his cap, everyone had settled in for a brief winter's nap.
When on the men's floor, there came a soft flutter. Some stirred to discovery the source of the mutter. To their doors, they did stalk to turn their knobs and into the hall walk. The glow of the moon shone off polished stone gave the sense of a wistful dream-like tone. Yet, lo, to their weary eyes should take shape but a bird of all white with flowing tail as a cape. In it's talons, reflecting the creature's light, dangled little, white satchels in a grasp very tight. As silent as ghosts, the bird did soar to the doors, like gentle winds whistling their mystic scores.
"Now Addy and Kia, I think this floors done," said a voice that made the creature stun. "One more to go tonight, girls. Then its back to the room where the wing unfurls. Now up through this shaft to the next floor with care. Hm! We wouldn't want the slumbers to be aware." And with that said, a second bird and man came. All three in the air turned to the halls center for the next floor's aim. Just as the birds' glow left the chamber, the man in his flowing coat did meander.
"I pray for a bright Christmas to you all," he said in a voice oh so small. "And I hope for good fortune and protection to my peers, and may peace and happiness find us in the new years..."
[[ooc: I made the mistake of trying to rewrite The Night Before Christmas for you guys to make up for being gone, and take your time on your replies. All replies will be on Christmas. Everyone will have a
omamori talisman from Tsuzuki as a Christmas/New Years gift. Sorry I was gone guys, but hopefully things will be smoothing over with the holidays done.]]