Title: A Fruit That Never Withers
ameyao_roinyiRating: PG
Pairings: slight Tia Dalma/Will and mentions of Davy Jones/Tia Dalma
Word Count 4060
Warnings: spoilers for DMC, small mentions of rotting corpses. Perhaps a little OOC.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, Disney owns all. Life is cruel.
Summary: Will can't cope with the events at the end of DMC, so Tia
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Comments 22
For when he stands on the edge of a pale shore a world away from the blue waters of his tropical home. Will Turner will remember Tia Dalma's breath against his neck like a summer's breeze and the joy that came with hearing three words whispered with conviction, but softly so that only they two could hear.
"You're my Hero."
That is just lovely. The description and imagery (especially concerning Tia) is wonderful and so enjoyable. Excellent job! :)
Say, would you be interested in X-posting this into dalmafan? I know people over there would love to read this!
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