Title: Salt
ameyao_roinyiRating: PG
Characters: Jack Sparrow
Word Count: 1615
Warnings: Spoilers for DMC
Disclaimer: I own nothing, Disney owns all. Life is cruel.
Summary: Hell is relative.
The others had all told him not to look down, but Jack Sparrow had never been the type to take heed to caution, in life or in death. )
Comments 11
Is your mood pic from Ravenous?
Is your mood pic from Ravenous?
Yes indeedy it is. Ravenous is the best movie ever IMO. I love my Ravi mood theme to bits :3
Thanks for your review! :D
Excellent writing... They'd better get him out of there soon. :P
Don't worry, I'm sure Jack could trick the demons into letting him go long enough for him to escape, he's clever that way.
Having finally read it, I can give it my most enthusiastic approval. I really was waiting to see what the heck was holding him down! Great suspense.
The element of feeling pain even when you are dead also creeped me out. It was like in the old 1970s Tales from the Crypt movie when a woman had a monkey's paw which she accidently killed her husband with. Her next wish was to return him to life...FOREVER. Well, since she was stupid enough not to specify that he revert back to how he was before he died he awoke to life screaming in agony because of all the embalming fludis running through his veins. Then she tried to end his suffer by chopping him up, but she specified that he live FOREVER so he just screamed more! It was kind of funny.
I'm glad you liked it. I'm also glad to hear it was suspenseful.
Can you see my journal now? I change it for the first time since I got it. I really like it :3 I love squid.
You need to call me and tell me if you got that job or not ^^
I can see your LJ on my labtop, I was having problems with my other computer and I haven't tried looking at your journal again with it. The squid background certainly is appropriate for all the Pirates stuff.
I haven't heard back from where I employed. Time to turn back to the job sites and send out a fresh flurry of applications.
Also, big news. I've decided to ask Misty out! Like, very soon. The only constraint is that I want to ask her out in person. The fact that the last time I saw in person was back in Spring poses a tricky situation. What works to my advantage is that I have a general idea of when Misty is on campus. At the begining of the semester she told me what classes she had. I've checked the class schedules online and by comparing them with when she has sent me a message from the Business computer lab I've been able to determine her schedule. I suppose I'll just linger around campus on the right day.
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