50 sentences for the
1fandom community...
Fandom: Ravenous
Theme Set: One
Rating: PG-13
Author Notes: Warnings for themes of cannibalism and slash. I'm new to this so if I have any huge glaring grammar errors in this please let me know. ^^
********** )
Comments 7
I LOVE YOU HO!! You're so sexy hot. ;)
You know you could try calling me once in a while too. I've tried calling you several times since I saw you last but you never pick up and then you don't call back. Did you change your number?
Don't worry I still luvs you mah #1 HO! ;p
Next time we hang out we can watch it and you can be annoyed by my constant line quotations and squeeing.
Very nice. (Ives still freaks me out, though. And always will, I guess. :p)
1, 8, 14, 25, 28, 43, 46, and 48...
All the slashy ones for sure LOL! Specially the ones of Ives dominating Boyd and untangling his hair and taking care of him ....*le sigh*
I'm pleased to tell you that silver_icontest is back and under new management!
We're going to use the last contest that was posted by our previous leader, glass_prism. Why the heck am I telling YOU this? Well, you entered it!
... a year ago.
Anyway, I'm letting you know so that you can either re-post your icons that you already made and submitted orrrr make new ones. The cut off is this Friday, I hope you'll come back and join in on the community.
We're back in the game.
Here's the link to the new contest!
Here's where your old entry is!
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