Title: Pure as the Driven Snow
Author: Ami Ven
100_tales 003 "snow"
Rating: G
Word Count: 335
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Setting: part of my Home on the Range verse (
LJ /
AO3 series /
AO3 chapters)
Summary: “Isn’t it beautiful?”
Pure as the Driven Snow
It was still practically dark out when Rodney was shaken awake. He protested valiantly for several moments, before flopping onto his back to glare at the grinning face above him. “What?”
“It snowed,” said John, as eager as a child on Christmas morning.
“Is that all?” Rodney grumbled, and tried to wrap himself back up in the bedclothes.
John wrestled them away from him. “Snow, Rodney,” he repeated. “Untouched, as far as the eye can see. You can’t miss that!”
“I could,” Rodney said, but allowed John to pull him out of bed and help him dress.
John waited impatiently as Rodney bundled himself in coat and mittens, a mug of hot coffee cradled in his hands - the former-soldier was at least smart enough not to wake him without having made some first - then, John pulled open the cabin door.
Rodney shivered at the sudden blast of cold as John pulled him out onto the porch.
“Isn’t it beautiful?” John sighed.
“I grew up in Canada, Sheppard,” said Rodney, around long swallows of coffee. “We had snow on the ground for half the year.”
“No, McKay, look.”
Scowling, Rodney did.
And blinked.
The front of their cabin faced the dirt wagon trail, now lost under the blanket of snow. Their garden and fields were bare after the harvest, the stalks now glittering as though made of crystal. The edge of the woods were silver-frosted trees, bare deciduous and dusted evergreens.
In the snow close by, Rodney could see the tracks of birds and small animals, but as he looked into the distance, he could only see the endless expanse of untouched white.
“Oh, wow.”
John bumped his shoulder, grinning. “We had snow where I grew up, too,” he said. “But there were always things that needed to be done, so it was always swept away. Or run over by horses and carriages, and turned to slush. But this is ours, and no one else’s.”
“Ours,” Rodney repeated.
That was worth getting up before dawn for.
Current Mood:
need coffee