Title: In the Clouds
Author: Ami Ven
100_tales 009 clouds
Rating: G
Word Count: 370
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Summary: “Why is there fog in the Gate Room?”
In the Clouds
“Rodney,” said John, with exaggerated calm, “why is there fog in the Gate Room?”
“I decided to redecorate, colonel,” Rodney said, dryly. “I was thinking a Munster’s theme.”
“I always liked The Addams Family better. But really, what’s up?”
“It’s a problem with the environmental controls,” said Rodney. “There’s a buildup of humidity in the air - we’re on an ocean, after all. The city usually takes care of that, but it seems not to be working in several places.”
“Can you fix it?” John asked.
“Can I… of course I can fix it! But the fog might get worse before it gets better.”
“Right. I’ll send some Marines around to find out exactly where.”
“Yes, yes…”
The Marines reported that the fog was nearly everywhere, especially after sundown - the Ancient metal that Atlantis was made of was fairly good at the kind of heat retention that lead to the creation of fog, especially in more closed spaces like the Gate Room. After about an hour of fiddling and shouted orders and radio arguments with Radek, Rodney declared the problem fixed.
“It may take a while for all of it to clear,” he said, “But by morning, it should all be gone. And on that note, I’m going to bed.”
John hung back a moment to have a hurried radio conversation of his own with Lorne, then jogged to catch up with Rodney.
“So, our quarters…” said John, as the transporter opened onto their corridor.
Rodney paused, hand over the door sensor. “What about our quarters?”
The door slid open.
Fog filled the entire room, about three foot high, leaving just the tops of the bed and desk visible. Rodney hesitated, but John pulled him inside, clouds swirling around their feet. “I may have asked Atlantis to slow down the dehumidifier in here, just a little.”
“What? Sheppard-”
John interrupted him with a kiss, then started leading them toward the bed. “I’m a pilot,” he said. “I’ve always wanted to make love to you in the clouds.”
“I - What? - Seriously?” Rodney spluttered.
John kissed him again. “Is that a yes?
“Of course that’s a yes,” Rodney snapped and John was still laughing when he toppled them both onto the bed.
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