Title: Lucky Days
Author: Ami Ven
100_tales 012 sunset
Rating: G
Word Count: 490
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Setting: part of my
How About Forever verse
Summary: “Some anniversary.”
Lucky Days
“Some anniversary,” muttered Rodney, flopping onto the deck chair beside John.
“Yeah,” his husband said, softly, and Rodney, who had been expecting a snarky rejoinder, sat up again to look at him.
They were on Earth for two weeks over the summer vacation, letting Zoe and Isaac spend time with their extended families. They had already done a week with Dave, who eagerly showed them where John had grown up, and they had arrived in Vancouver the day before. In their original plan, Jeannie and Kaleb would watch the kids while John and Rodney spent their anniversary alone together.
But, of course, things never went to plan. Kaleb had been called in to cover classes for two different colleagues who had called out sick and who probably had the same thing Jeannie had caught, a raging head cold that left her too tired to even get out of bed. Which meant that John and Rodney - eight-year-old Zoe and almost-two-year-old Isaac in tow - had spent the day chaperoning Madison’s Girl Scout troop’s field trip to the Greater Vancouver Zoo.
Any other time, it might have been an enjoyable family outing, even with a dozen junior high school girls along, but Rodney had really been looking forward to spending their anniversary alone.
“Yeah,” he repeated, now.
John shrugged. The sun was beginning to set, turning the sunlight a brilliant red-gold found only on Earth, which made him look like some kind of classical hero. “Yeah.”
“I mean,” John allowed. “Today wasn’t as romantic as I’d hoped. But I spent it with you, Rodney. You and the two beautiful, brilliant, annoyingly energetic kids you’ve given me. Our next ten anniversaries could be just like today and I’d be fine with that.”
“Why does it sound all romantic when you say that?” asked Rodney. “That’s a terrible thing to wish for.”
John laughed and moved to drape himself across Rodney’s lap, nearly toppling them out of the deck chair that had not been designed to hold two grown men.
“The teachers that Kaleb’s covering for don’t have any classes tomorrow,” he said. “He and Maddie have already promised to keep our two hooligans occupied.”
“So, English Majors are good for something after all,” said Rodney, and John smacked his shoulder playfully.
“What do you say we stay out here and just make out until it’s too dark to see?”
Rodney kissed him. “I like the way you think, colonel…”
John dropped his forehead onto Rodney’s shoulder. “Remind me how much I love our children?”
“You aren’t being gross out here, are you?” asked Zoe. “Because then I won’t tell you that Aunt Jeannie says it’s time for ice cream.”
“We’ll be right there, Zee,” said John and stood, offering Rodney a hand up.
The fading light danced over John’s skin, blue shadows with gold highlights.
“Sometimes I can’t believe you married me,” Rodney said.
“Yeah,” John agreed. “How’d I get so lucky?”
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