Title: Spontaneous
writerverse challenge #36 quick fic amnesty (‘kiss with a fist’)
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Castle
Pairings: Rick Castle/Kate Beckett
Summary: “I was trying to be romantic.”
Note(s): originally posted to the
writerverse wv_library Spontaneous
“I said I was sorry,” said Beckett.
“I was trying to kiss you,” Castle whined, around the bag of frozen peas he was holding to his nose.
“By sneaking up on me. A trained cop.”
He pouted. “I was trying to be romantic. Spontaneous.”
“I appreciate the thought,” she said, reaching up to reposition the peas. “But I think your execution needs a bit of work.”
“Well, now I don’t know,” said Castle. “Maybe I won’t try to kiss you anymore, if all I get is a right hook.”
Beckett leaned in close. “Yeah?”
He kissed her. “Not a chance.”
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