Title: Into Bed
writerverse challenge #37 quick fic amnesty, prompt ‘high hopes’
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: Castle
Pairings: Kate Beckett/Rick Castle
Summary: “But we’re married. We’re supposed to.”
Note(s): originally posted to the
writerverse wv_library Into Bed
“No,” said Beckett.
“But we’re married,” Castle said. He listed slowly to the left as he walked, and she grabbed his arm to keep him upright. “We’re supposed to.”
“You’re high on painkillers,” she replied, taking out her keys at their apartment door. “And quite apart from any possible consent issues- do not say whatever you’re thinking, Castle- there’s the simple fact that ten-to-one, you’re going to pass out on me the second I get you into bed.”
“Will not,” he protested, affronted, but of course, as soon as she’d gotten him inside and into bed, he was fast asleep.
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