Title: Best Deal
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
ncisdrabble100 challenge #465 ‘black Friday’
Pairing(s): Abby Sciuto/Tim McGee
Summary: Abby wakes up early on Black Friday.
Best Deal
Abby blinked awake, and it took her a few moments to focus on the glowing numbers of her alarm clock. It was six o’clock, and the autumn sun was just beginning to peak through the blinds of her bedroom window, tinting one corner of her bedspread a golden-red.
“Hey,” said a sleepy voice from beside her, and McGee rolled over, looking delightfully mussed. “I thought you weren’t one of those crazy people who woke up early for the crazy sales.”
She grinned and kissed him. “Nope. I’ve got the best Black Friday deal right here.”
He laughed, pulling her close.
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