[NCIS/Stargate: Drabble] "No Place on Earth" [G]

Jan 06, 2016 16:45

Title: No Place on Earth
Prompt: writerverse challenge #36 phase amnesty (challenge #25 criss cross applesauce- crossover)
Word Count: 161
Rating: G
Original/Fandom: NCIS & Stargate Atlantis (part of my Highly Classified ‘verse)
Character(s): Ziva David
Summary: Ziva needs a place to clear her head.
Note(s): originally posted to the writerverse wv_library

No Place on Earth

Ziva never stayed in one place for more than a few weeks.

It wasn’t that she didn’t want to be found, not entirely. It was more that none of these places- bustling cities or remote towns, mountains or deserts or crystal clear lakes- could give her the peace she needed to put herself back together. There was, she thought, nowhere on Earth where she could really get away from all that troubled her.

Nowhere on Earth.

It seemed fitting to hop a Navy transport going back to the US, joining a group of Marines headed for duty stations at Groom Lake. In less than forty-eight hours, she’d left Earth behind, watching as the small spacecraft that Major Lorne called a puddle jumper disappeared back toward the stargate.

“Welcome, Agent David,” said a tall man, who matched Teyla’s description of her friend, the Athosians’ leader, Halling. “We hope you will find your stay with us restful.”

She smiled. “Please, call me Ziva.”


Current Mood:


drabble, stargate, highly_classified, ncis, writerverse

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