Title: An Invasion of Scientists
Author: Ami Ven
Rating: G
Word Count: 300
mcsheplets challenge 294 ‘invasion’
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Pairing(s): John Sheppard/Rodney McKay
Setting: part of my
Lantea Fire Station ‘verse
Summary: Rodney is unusually excited about an upcoming event on Lantea Island.
An Invasion of Scientists
“Usually you’re not this excited about a social event,” John teased, leaning back against the kitchen cabinet with his mug of coffee.
Rodney scowled. “It’s not a social event, it’s a professional meeting of - Shut up.”
“And I think you might be the only one,” continued John. “Every time I’ve seen Radek lately, he’s always complaining about the ‘invasion of scientists’ coming to disturb his peace and quiet. And I though this shindig was his idea.”
“It is. He’s always going on about cooperation and collaboration and not calling our colleagues morons even when they’re definitely being morons. Apparently, he talks to most of these people all the time, but it’s more productive when they can argue in person.”
John snorted. “Then why are you the one most looking forward to it?”
“It’s not the conference I’m looking forward to. It’s…” Rodney hesitated, then said softly, “That’s how we met. I almost didn’t come, I almost died when Radek’s deathtrap of a lab burned down, but… I met you. And you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”
“Me, too,” said John, smiling.
Rodney smiled back, then frowned. “Wait, when have you been talking to Radek? He’s been spending all his time getting ready for this conference, I know he hasn’t been by the fire station.”
“Um…” said John. “I might have gone over to his new lab once or twice to, you know, double-check the wiring and the sprinkler system…”
“You sap,” said Rodney. He crossed the kitchen to rest his hands on John’s hips. “You’re coming with me, right? Because if there’s one thing I’d like better than being smarter than everyone else at this thing, it’s showing up with a hot fireman boyfriend who can do advanced calculus.”
“Never change, McKay,” John laughed and kissed him.
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