King prawns are like no points on WW! Wooooot! 16 king prawns, a veritable cascade of seafoody goodness, is 1.5 points.
And, Quorn burgers are one point, bearing in mind my liking for burgers and my liking for quorn. and the fact that most burgers are around 6 points, this is a very good thing.
Your results: You are Deanna Troi Deanna Troi 65% Will Riker 60% James T. Kirk (Captain) 55% Uhura 55% Spock 52% An Expendable Character (Redshirt) 50% Jean-Luc Picard 50% Chekov 40% Geordi LaForge 40% Leonard McCoy (Bones) 40% Worf 35% Mr. Sulu 35% Mr. Scott 30% Beverly Crusher 30% Data 22%
You are a caring and loving individual.
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In the event I need to bribe people, this could be very useful information. Therefore, I am listing the five most effective things to bribe me with. If you get tagged, your mission is to do the same, then tag 5 more people
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