
Jul 25, 2012 22:14

Books I've read recently (i.e. mostly since the breakup ( Read more... )


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Comments 7

byron July 26 2012, 03:28:34 UTC
Far more exciting than what I've been reading. Mostly manuals for work. Stuff that makes stereo instructions look as engaging as Vonnegut.

I did reread "Point of Impact" recently. It was the book that the Mark Whalburg movie "Shooter" was based on.


I also read "I am Legend" again. It's a REALLY short read. The Will Smith movie only took the name and some of the basic premise from it.


chuckland July 26 2012, 13:52:23 UTC
Well, can't wait to hear you opinion of tonight's book.

Two non-fictions that we all had to read for work, Boomerang: Travels in the New Third World and Moneyball: The Art of Winning an Unfair Game both by Michael Lewis. You might find the second one interesting... but weren't you doing some statistical analysis recently? That's why we had to read it.


fourcorners July 26 2012, 21:12:06 UTC
I'm glad you're using LJ again


tasty July 27 2012, 02:24:14 UTC
I agree with this!


serenechaosae July 27 2012, 03:03:31 UTC
Oh Christian Grey


heywood417 July 27 2012, 16:32:17 UTC
I had the same opinion of the Hunger Games.


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