
Aug 18, 2015 06:24

I think this is the more appropriate place to memorialize David (myrchI can only imagine what he would think of anyone memorializing him ( Read more... )

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Remembering David whythawk August 18 2015, 14:20:32 UTC
I logged into Livejournal for the first time in six years to write something similar. I, unfortunately, never did get to meet David in person but I also kept in touch even as our little LJ community seemed to fade away over the years.

Here's to Myrch.


jourdannex August 18 2015, 19:24:03 UTC
I think I started to believe he was superhuman in strength and oh of course he would make it! I never thought any different. The first days he spoke of the illness I thought he's going to die...and soon. But as time passed he was so strong and I started to believe the impossible.

He will be so very much missed. He reminds me to tell those I love that I love them.

So I love you. And we shall have a drink one day and toast him :)

And I know he was so proud of you and excited for all the travelling you were doing and experiences you were creating.


amicablebitch August 18 2015, 22:30:53 UTC
I know. I still don't understand how he didn't make it. I agree completely, at first it was like OH SHIT, but then it was like "nevermind, he's okay'. WE HAD LUNCH. Just in January. But he's not okay. I don't know how Dea is dealing with it. I'm an almost stranger and I can't even deal with it.

And that all means so much to me to hear. I love you too. And we will definitely meet and drink and toast. I am glad he got to see me live out some of my potential. Now I just have to live out the rest, and see all those places he saw too.


jourdannex August 20 2015, 06:37:24 UTC
She is strong...he probably spent time preparing both of them, as did she..but how can you ever truly be prepared? They were great together. Her picture yesterday broke my heart. Their two lego people dressed to look like them, like little cake toppers in front of their marriage certificate.

I think I wanted to believe he would make it. I still have to see some of those places he did. New Zealand. Japan. You have Iceland on me! I have catching up to do.

And Nepal..I want to go there one day.


mhaithaca August 20 2015, 03:02:08 UTC
I'm really sorry to read about this, but I'm really happy to see a few of you writing about David this week. I remember coming across him a few times, probably mostly on your journal.


digitalshepherd June 20 2016, 10:09:28 UTC
Wow. You came back.

I was going through some old entries and found you. Do you know that I think about you every time I eat at Cane's?

I'm sorry to hear about David. I've met some great people on here too, in fact, I think I met my future wife here 13 years ago. I say I think, because I'm going to propose soon. We'll see if she accepts.


amicablebitch July 12 2016, 01:28:56 UTC
Hahaha, so many people reach out to me when they eat Cane's. Chicago might finally be getting one! (In the fall). I'll have been here 6 years, but finally.

I hope your proposal worked out? If not, there are many more great people.


digitalshepherd July 18 2016, 18:33:52 UTC
It went even better than expected, thank you. In fact the whole trip did. :)

How did you end up in Chicago?


amicablebitch September 26 2016, 12:40:00 UTC
Wow, I'm bad at checking for responses. I got laid off back in 2010, and needed to move somewhere where there were jobs. I knew a person in Chicago who had a place for me to live, and Chicago had jobs. So it worked out. Love the city.


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