Through the Concert Nights

Nov 20, 2012 15:22

Title: Through the Concert Nights- Concert 1
Genre: Fluff,
Characters: Yesung, Kyuhyun,Ryeowook, Super Junior,
Pairing: Kyusung
Rating: G
Word Count: 7,252
Summary: In which Kyuhyun drinks disgusting tea and Yesung thinks about a Christmas to come after he sings a lullaby.

KRY Drabbles

Concert 1
It’s the type of day that Kyuhyun loves and hates all at the same time, the sort that sucks the life out of his body, the energy filtering away leaving only aches and pains and that headache that seemed permanently lodged in the back of his skull, the mild pounding interesting, simply for the fact that it seemed to match a rhythm that he was quite familiar with, but he thinks that is just something his mind created to make it bearable for him. That was the hate aspect, the tiredness and the fatigue, the sickness.

The love was something else altogether, consisting of heart palpitations and endless adrenaline, the sweet sound of an adoring audience, the love of precious fans, the feeling of utter contentment and fulfilment when you realize you just had your dreams come true, that you were living a fantasy made real, that life was in your hands. It was a surreal feeling, looking at the love and hate mirror itself, remembering the exuberance and the excitement, the boundless energy and the sweet smiles, the cheers of wonderful grateful people that never seem to understand that he was the one that should be grateful.

When Kyuhyun stood on that stage, he was invincible. He had endless power and the hearts and minds of the people before him were all in his hands. He had the power to control them, to bend them, to sway their emotions and Kyuhyun enjoyed it. He enjoyed taking care of those hearts, to feel the fulfilment when he was able to reach into their souls and make them feel something, to make them feel everything, to know that they loved him, that they loved his talent and skill. It stroked his ego and strengthened his heart, the most amazing existence that he had.

When on that stage, standing next to him, he was super human, capable of withstanding everything. He was boosted by the voices of the masses, the sweet wishes of peers, the love outpouring from the hearts of those he had touches, handsome and high above the earth. It was an indescribable feeling of freeness, made better with his presence beside him. Whilst off the stage, he could boast of a witty personality and a playful disposition, a handsome smile and a general easy countenance, he still thinks he is invincible, but then he equates it more to the man beside him. Sometimes he likes to think that it would be the same either way and he knows he would be right on that point, except for the fact that he would never be as powerful or strong without him. He was his light and his energy and in that moment he was grateful to have him, thrilled that he was beside him, showing Kyuhyun that he didn’t always need the adrenaline of a concert hall or the screams of thousands of people to feel happiness and freedom, that he was just a powerful, made strong by his small hands on his back.

Kyuhyun really needed some of that strength then, his throat scratching and itching, his heart pounding in his chest in slow tired beats, his breathes laboured and spent, his body aching, the pull on his back strong and difficult, that headache refusing to leave him, the result of his own stubborn refusal to take it easy. He pushed and he pushed hard. It was just who he was. How could anyone honestly have expected anything else for him? Regardless of what they said, he did the right thing. He just wished the right thing hurt less.

It had taken him nearly half an hour to get out of the shower, standing under the steaming stream of water, trying to let the heat help his aching muscles, wondering if the pain in his head would be enough to dispel the fog in his mind, if the physical manifestation of his worries would drive the thoughts away, a delicate hand coming up to massage the passage of muscle and bone, two fingers pressed against the area as he breathed, wondering if he had finally put too much strain on it, if all those hours sent playing Starcraft instead of sleeping had finally caught up with him, wondering if he would endure it, embarrassed and ashamed, all whilst he tried to ignore the pain in the area, focusing on the tiredness that was spreading right through him.

It was difficult and he was weary. He had a lot to fear, a lot to ponder upon and a lot of scolding to avoid. Yesung would kill him. He just knew it. He wanted to avoid it for as long as possible, aware that Yesung was more than likely going to rip him to shreds for jeopardizing his voice in the middle of a concert series and a week from hell as the leader of KRY, as his significant other, the older man would no doubt strangle him for making him worry and never listening to him and Kyuhyun would have no choice but to be found guilty twice. He would rather stay in the hot water and let it wash away his concerns. It was his plan, honestly it was, until his skin looked like as raisin and the heat of the water was starting to burn his back, having no choice but to exit the shower, his muscles distressing nicely, though he was sure he would need a muscle relaxant ahead of the next concert, later in the afternoon, it having been long past midnight by the time he made it back to his hotel room, drying the water from his skin tiredly, pulling on the old sweats that he always seem to pack just for nights like those, wondering if he really was going to be able to sleep without him, whilst at the same time not wanting to see him, or rather not wanted to be scolded in what he was sure would be quite unmerciful ways.

He was only slightly surprised to see Yesung sitting on his bed when he emerged, looking exactly as he thought he would, face calm and filled with resignation, his eyes swirling in a emotion that transitioned much too quickly for Kyuhyun even have a proper chance of reading them. Kyuhyun nodded at him as he exited, but it was not responded to, Kyuhyun walking across the small room that he would call home for three more days, depositing the towel in the hamper to have changed for later when he would need it next.

Yesung sat still for most of the walk, eye not leaving the spot on the floor, Kyuhyun stealing glances at him, his mind exceedingly concerned as to how to address him, wondering why he was being so silent, it naturally unnerving Kyuhyun to no end. With Yesung it was always better when he yelled rather than when he decided to hold it over Kyuhyun’s head for a long time to come. Kyuhyun was uneasy, wondering what he was supposed to say in such a situation. It was times like those that he wished that the others were around. This time it was only them and Ryeowook and they all had their own rooms. Yesung had suggested at the time that they shared rooms, but their manager had other ideas, putting them apart though on the same floor, saying he was not interested in rooming together. Ryeowook had indicated that he was glad for that, winking at Yesung when he said some people liked the privacy. Yesung blushed lightly but nodded his head, understanding the point pretty easily. Kyuhyun however was the one least understanding, wanting to argue that they be allowed to room together. He would have manipulated the situation to ensure that he and Yesung be allowed to room together and then he would get to sleep with him, but with the current standings he was left by his lonesome, Yesung not wanted to attract attention to the fact that they sleep together, still on a drive to keep it a secret.

Kyuhyun was very tempted to tell him that the manager was well informed about their secret and was only being so insistent as a way to get back at him, Kyuhyun having made cheeky comments earlier in the week. It would seem that separate rooms would have benefited them but it would have in fact drawn more attention if Kyuhyun and Yesung decided to share when they could have been in their own rooms. He honestly would have honestly told Yesung as much, if he was not afraid that Yesung would actually kill him for mentioning something like that to and more than likely freak out that the manager knew. It was best to let the matters be concealed as they were, forgoing his plans to sleep with Yesung. Kyuhyun was grumpy but Yesung only said that he was being childish. Kyuhyun left it at that.

Before Kyuhyun could turn properly away from the hamper, a handsome face was beside him, only made less handsome due to his dark expression, though it had soften quite a bit from when Kyuhyun had just appeared. The words died in his throat when a cup was thrust at his face, Yesung's small hands wrapped around the mug, nodding his head at him.

“Drink this” Yesung commanded when Kyuhyun seemed to be unable to read his sign language, continuously pushing the cup he had brought with him towards the younger, Kyuhyun wasting precious time. It had to be drunk whilst it was atleast warm or it would lose its effect. He had to go down to the kitchen to have it specially made to his specifications and Kyuhyun was not going to waste it if he could help it.

Kyuhyun had thankfully understood his words, a hand reaching across to take the cup from Yesung, fingers brushing against each other, the warmth transferring across both figuratively and literally, Kyuhyun letting a small smile break though, Yesung doing the same. The older man’s smile became brighter however when Kyuhyun eventually pulled the cup and its contents up to his nose, immediately scrunching up as he inhaled, making a face, eyes bolting up to look at the man, wide with shock and a bit of betrayal, most prominent being displeasure.

“Hyung, I can’t drink this. It will taste awful” Kyuhyun complained as he moved the cup away from his nose, looking at Yesung with pleading eyes, pulling the muscles in his face to visually indicate just how unwanted the substance was and how much he was on the opposing side. What he was unaware of however was that Yesung was in no way interested in his arguments. Kyuhyun was going to drink the tea whether he liked it or not. He had to get better before Yesung developed an ulcer. Kyuhyun could grumble all he wanted; even he should have known that Yesung would in no way accept such a situation. Kyuhyun’s well being came first.

“I know it does, but you are still going to drink it” Yesung insisted, looking at Kyuhyun with those sharp all seeing eyes, the sort that made it clear to Kyuhyun that it was never going to get away from it, that one way or the other ,he was intent on having Kyuhyun do as he was told. He was never in a joking nature when it came to Kyuhyun’s wellbeing. Kyuhyun knew that to be a fact, positive that Yesung would be more than stubborn in his approach. Kyuhyun was stubborn too but never as stubborn as Yesung. Kyuhyun looked at the cup in disgust, still unwilling to drink it, wondering if some cuteness may work.

“But Hyyyuunngg I don’t want to” Kyuhyun said as cutely as he could muster, soft batting eyes, pulling his expression into one of a sulking kid, his voice deep and smooth, but just tainted with enough elevation to be cute, his body slumping a bit, his expression pulling at the sight of the horrible murky brown liquid, his nose scrunching cutely, titling his head to indicate his displeasure, hoping to tug on the older man’s heart. He had a glimmer of hope when Yesung smiled, a beautiful thing honestly, taking a couple steps towards him.

“You are adorable, but you are still going to drink the tea” Yesung chuckled as he stroked Kyuhyun’s cheek, a small hand reaching up to hold on to his cheek, splayed across the flesh, the small thing tracing a haphazard line across the plains, a warm playful smile gracing his lips, mischievous eyes staring back at Kyuhyun in glee, titling his head with a nod at the younger hand, a wink when Kyuhyun scoffed, causing the older man to return to the giggling he did earlier, Kyuhyun pulling a face when he realized that he was ineffective, Yesung's own brand of cuteness working far better than his seemed to be. He sulked for real then, Yesung chuckling once more, lifting the other hand until he had both on Kyuhyun’s cheeks, smiling at him warmly before he leaned in and pressed a kiss to lips. It was soft and sweet, just a tender peck, his cheeks colouring with redness, but he didn’t let go, Kyuhyun blushing as well. It was over before it started, but Kyuhyun felt happy. He marvelled at the things the older man did to him, his mind wondering if kisses would be the reward for drinking the ghastly concoction? He was just about to ask him, but Yesung spoke then.

“Now drink it, so you can go to bed” Yesung instructed, pulling back from Kyuhyun, removing his hands to let the younger be in a position where he could drink the tea he made for him, reaching a hand outwards to lift up the hand Kyuhyun held the cup with, pushing it gently to Kyuhyun’s lips, the younger pulling a face once again, Yesung nodding his head, indicating that he should drink it, hoping that the maknae would acquiesce to his request, wondering what he would do if Kyuhyun denied him once more.

“You owe me” Kyuhyun grumbled as he looked down at the warm liquid, his instinct telling him to drain it down the sink, but the look in Yesung's eyes was just so earnest, happy that the man could care about him so much. Yesung was just as tired as he was, and still had to deal with their parents, make sure Ryeowook was well, speak with the director and managers and had a gruelling schedule as well. Yesung was amazing and beyond caring, coming to spend the time he should have been resting coaxing Kyuhyun to drink a tea that he would have had to take the time to make and then spend even more time convincing Kyuhyun to drink something that would only benefit him and not Yesung. Kyuhyun was grateful and regretful, though he would keep up the presence, positive it would get him some coddling from the older man. Kyuhyun was ashamed to admit that he was not above acting like a child to get his way or to garner the attentions of older man. It was sort of embarrassing but the happiness of being in Yesung's arms sort of threw everything aside honestly.

Kyuhyun made a show of swallowing the honey lemon thing, exaggerating his natural disgust, the entire cup gone in three mouthfuls, hoping that the taste would not linger and immediately grateful that it had warmed sufficiently not to scorch the back of his already aching throat, Yesung laughing at his expressions, though Kyuhyun could tell he was happy that Kyuhyun drank the tea, the maknae thrusting the empty cup back at Yesung, who gladly accepted it despite Kyuhyun’s rudeness, the younger man heading for his table to drink a glass of water to wash away the taste of the medicine he had just consumed.

Before he could finish pouring however Yesung was beside him, reaching his hand out, opening his palm to show Kyuhyun a small white pill. Kyuhyun looked at him with a lifted eyebrow, the question obvious even if it went unspoken. Yesung catching on quickly, explaining that it was the headache he was sure he had. Kyuhyun didn’t even bother to ask how he knew, just taking the pill from his hand, popping it into his mouth, swallowing the water and the pill, sighing when he was finished.

He felt tired, but was energized when Yesung slipped his hand into his. It was a casual action they had perfected overtime, sliding just the right way until it was lodged in the folds of Kyuhyun’s hand. Kyuhyun squeezed them together tightly, enjoying the warmth, still grinning when Yesung tugged on his hands, leading them away from the table, Kyuhyun following along like a child, though he was really much too engrossed with him to notice or feel embarrassed. Yesung had lead them to Kyuhyun’s bed, dislodging his hands to pull the comforter back, easy strong movements, nodding his head to indicate that he expected Kyuhyun to get in, the younger not reacting as quickly as he would have hoped.

“What are you waiting on? Get in” Yesung instructed, turning to pull onto Kyuhyun’s forearm, bodily leading him back to the bed, Kyuhyun nodding along, side stepping Yesung, laying himself on the bed, Yesung smiling at him as he pulled the comforter back over the younger man, smile never leaving his face, a hand reaching up to brush Kyuhyun’s hair away from his eyes, both ignoring just exactly how much like a child he was treating Kyuhyun, aware on some level that it came from the worry and his endless need to take care of Kyuhyun. It was difficult and sometimes he was beyond overbearing but Kyuhyun had long come to understand the reasoning behind the activity. Yesung cared about him and a lot at that. It was hard for him to see Kyuhyun sick and it sometimes manifested itself in endless coddling and him hovering. Kyuhyun understood that it came from a feeling of helplessness, of him trying to do everything that he could possibly do to make it better and Kyuhyun felt gratitude rather than annoyance. It was stressful for him but Yesung still always tried to put Kyuhyun’s wellbeing first and Kyuhyun was thrilled, he was in glee. Yesung loved him and took care of him or atleast he tried to in his own unique adorable way.

Yesung leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead, not tucking him in exactly, aware that Kyuhyun moved in his sleep, though he tried to keep the comforter over as much of him as Kyuhyun permitted, wanting him to stay warm and help with his sickness. He really could smack Kyuhyun senseless for letting himself get sick. Aside from the concert and the strain it would put on all of them with Kyuhyun’s voice cracking, it also meant that he couldn’t focus on anything but Kyuhyun, always wondering if he was alright. He needed to smack the brat for the worry that he caused him, and then beat him for what he did to himself and scold him for hurting the concert. They were in a hell week; Kyuhyun getting sick was a disaster. The brat would just have to drink the honey lemon tea everyday for the rest of the week and take the pain killers and the boosters whether he liked it or not. Yesung would make sure of that. He would sleep as well, just as he was about to do. Yesung making sure he was in place, intending to return to his own room, now that Kyuhyun was sorted out. He was impeded however, a large strong hand gripped on to his forearm as he tried to turn away from the man laying on the bed, immediately tugging at him, the question on the tip of his tongue.

“Stay with me…just until I fall asleep” Kyuhyun requested, eyes tired but sincere, looking rather hopeful as he pulled Yesung back towards him. He knew that the older man would not agree to stay with him for the duration of the night, the fear that someone could walk in on them and guess correctly was against them. Yesung tried to keep distance in that regard when they were outside the dorms; though a better chance of Kyuhyun getting what he wanted if they roomed together. Yesung was rather hesitant that either of them leave their own individual rooms to sleep together, positive that would raise questions that he was in no mood to address. Kyuhyun knew he couldn’t convince Yesung to sleep with him unless he said he was dying, but he didn’t want to worry him further, settling instead to just have him beside him for a little while. He just wanted to be near him before he slept. He was sure Yesung would do atleast that for him, especially when he was sick. He was smiling soon, his assumptions correct.

Yesung nodded his head, willing to sit with Kyuhyun for a little while. He knew he couldn’t stay the entire night, afraid the manager would find his room empty and then find him wrapped up with Kyuhyun or worst even his parents finding him. He knew one day he would have to address those things but they weren’t ready as yet and it was better to just let it be. It would be really awkward and inconvenient if he had to answer that sort of question by the manager, so was better to sleep by himself. Kyuhyun’s offer was hard for him to refuse however. With Kyuhyun sick he didn’t want to just leave him and let him go to sleep on his own. He wanted to make sure that Kyuhyun was atleast a little better before he left and maybe he was just selfish.

Sleeping without Kyuhyun was hard for him as well. It was strange without all the moving and the hand thrown over him or the cute soft snoring and the grumblings. He didn’t think he would ever miss those things but it was only a couple of days and he already did. It was amazing how something like that happened. It was strange to be so connected to a person that even the things that grate on his nerves he started to miss. He thinks that he needed to be beside Kyuhyun for a little while atleast, just to give himself the strength to sleep without him, plus he could chat with him a little bit as well, something that he often liked to do. He reprimanded himself however for that thought. Kyuhyun needed to rest, so his goal should be to ensure that he slept.

With that settled in his mind he smiled at Kyuhyun, the younger man returning the gesture, sliding onto the bed beside Kyuhyun, though he stayed above the comforter, his back pressing against the headboard, Kyuhyun shifting around to give him space to sit, his legs spread out before him, making himself comfortable or as comfortable as he could be in such a position. He didn’t want to chance actually getting into bed with Kyuhyun, positive that the younger would suffocate him and he would be incapable and frankly unwilling to stop him, and sooner rather than later they would be asleep wrapped up with each other. The warmth would be too much for his tired mind to resist, even then with some distance he was already feeling a lot more soothed than he should have been, lost when Kyuhyun shifted about to rest his head on his lap, his hand naturally reaching for the brown locks, starting a smooth rhythm, smiling down at the younger man, a little concerned at the paleness and bags but Kyuhyun’s eyes were bright and happy and that eased his heart quite a bit, wanting to just be with the person he loved, even if it was only a little while.

“As soon as you are better, I am going to kill you for getting sick” Yesung informed, said with more seriousness than should even be possible, continuing to stroke Kyuhyun’s hair, the younger man looking up at him, pursing his lips to indicate that he was quite displeased with the turn of things. He really would punish the brat for getting sick when he was supposed to be at his peak health. The next month and a half would be hell on earth if he was sick, not just for Kyuhyun but Yesung as well. The worry and the stress would kill him as well. He really wanted to strangle the little demon. He promised himself he would make him suffer for his own heartache, just as soon as Kyuhyun was better, when he was not so pale and tired looking.

“You should be nice to me you know. I am sick and I even did your crazy dance for you” Kyuhyun pointed out with a small smirk, though it was not as bright as it usually was, the effects of the evening no doubt, but he was sure he managed to get his point across. Yesung should be nice to him, since he was obviously unwell. That should be reason enough for the older man to spare him, though he couldn’t claim to be exceptionally surprised that Yesung made such a statement. He knew he would be mad and he accepted that fact. It was surprising that he was not smacking him now but perhaps was just holding back because he was sick. He was sorry he worried him, but still wanted to tease a bit. Yesung should be kind to him when he was sick; it was just one of the benefits of his illness. To sweeten the argument he even cheekily pointed out that he did Yesung's embarrassing dance. That should carry some weight to his benefit. He had sacrificed his self respect and coolness for the older man to look less of a dork and to help him and make him happy. He really should be thanking him now that he thought about it. The things he did to make Yesung happy, he shook his head but the smile wouldn’t leave his face.

“Hey! It’s not crazy and you enjoyed yourself” Yesung argued, tugging on Kyuhyun’s head a little when the younger man called his dancing crazy. He was a great dancer he would have all know, and it was fun and cute and Kyuhyun was adorable doing it. He could have just squished his cheeks and hug him forever. It was so hard not to smother him then, looking so cute dancing with him. It would be one of his favourite memories from the concert, Kyuhyun being super adorable and just happy to be with him and Ryeowook.

“I sacrificed by self respect for you Hyung….even if it was fun” Kyuhyun argued, though conceded that he did indeed have a good time playing with his hyung. It was a nice atmosphere and he was always going to be induced by Yesung's cuteness. Whilst his coolness factor took a beating, he was sure the smile on Yesung's face was more than worth it anyway.

“Thank you then” Yesung said in gratitude, his voice light and playful as he leaned forward and downwards to press his lips to Kyuhyun’s forehead, a sweet affectionate gesture borne from the warmth and the weight of Kyuhyun’s head, the silkiness of his hair and the happiness in Yesung’s heart. Even if he was dead tired and worried sick, he had a great day with Kyuhyun and Ryeowook. He was grateful for the reality that he was able to have, to happiness that he was able to experience, the love of an amazing person. He blushed a bit when he pulled back, still shy about those things, Kyuhyun also wearing a soft blush, though he was smiling up at him.

“That ‘s right, you should thank me” Kyuhyun teased with a large smile, no malice or genuine arrogance, just a teasing nature, smirk wide and eyes bright, reflecting the happiness he felt and what Kyuhyun hoped could give him enough time to will the blush away.

“Brat!” Yesung smacked him on the chest, but it was soft and light, then followed by a small hand rubbing against the area, Kyuhyun really benefitting more from the action than anything else, laughing at the feel of the hand and the beauty of the sight of the man leaning over him, Yesung chuckling as well.

“Alright get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day and we have to make sure your throat holds up” Yesung said, caressing Kyuhyun’s hair and cheek, looking at him with worried eyes and knitted eyebrows, clearly worrying about Kyuhyun’s wellbeing. The following day was another concert and a similar set list. It was only the three of them, so they had to sing endlessly. Kyuhyun would be in a lot of pain if he forced himself and then the concert would be jeopardized if he didn’t go all out. It was a worrying situation. Yesung wasn’t sure what to do, so settled on doing the only thing he knew how to do and that was taking care of Kyuhyun. The fact that the brat was sick then, meant that he was not exceptionally good at it but he was intent on doing a good job, on trying everything to ensure that his BabyKyu was okay and well taken care off. He would make it his responsibility to make sure the stubborn brat made it through the months ahead in one piece, even if that meant pouring honey lemon tea down his throat or showing him in kisses until he drank it himself, or even sacrificing his own sleep to ensure Kyuhyun got enough sleep, then so be it.

“But Hyung-“ Kyuhyun wanted to protest. If he went to sleep that meant that Yesung would leave him and he still had so much to talk to him about, everything to tell him and he just didn’t want him to leave his presence just as yet. He was interrupted however, a hand coming to cover his mouth, Kyuhyun tempted to bite the smooth flesh, barely restraining himself.

“No ‘buts’. Go to sleep” Yesung instructed, shaking his head when Kyuhyun tried to speak some more, glaring when Kyuhyun bit on his finger, the younger man not looking chastised in the least, using the hand in Kyuhyun’s hair to tug at it, the younger groaning a little, conscious that Kyuhyun still probably had a headache, not wanting to hurt him especially, just ensure that he stop being a brat. Kyuhyun in true style, just bit on his finger again, giggling like a little girl after his mischievous act, Yesung still glaring at him, despite the smile tugging at his lips, the brat on his lap the embodiment of his perfection in his humble opinion though. His finger pulsed a bit but Kyuhyun had not bit down hard enough to cause any damage, now grazing his teeth at it again, threatening further action.

“Only five more minutes, you little demon” Yesung conceded to the younger man, glaring at him still, though his eyes were filled with too much affection to actually get it done properly, but he was trying though, smacking Kyuhyun once more with the hand that he removed from covering his mouth, laughing for real when it was Kyuhyun that glared at him this time, clearly not pleased that Yesung wanted to send him to sleep and interrupted him, Kyuhyun hated to be interrupted. The smack was really ineffective as to be expected honestly, Yesung then choosing to reach upwards again and pinch his cheeks, this time Kyuhyun looking grumpy rather than mad, making the older man laugh rather cutely at the sight.

He continued to do so in glee, until he felt a sharp poke to his stomach, the laughter caught in his throat, quickly looking down to see Kyuhyun smirking up at him, a long finger stretching out to his stomach once again, watching in horror as Kyuhyun gleefully buried it in his side, the awareness doing nothing to stop the shock, his body shaking and bolting, his heart rate instantly increasing, his hand rushing up to the area, trying to rub a soothing hand, the other smacking Kyuhyun again.
“I am going to make you suffer you know” Kyuhyun said with joy, thinking of all the wonderful things he would do as revenge for Yesung treating him like a petulant child. Wasn’t he old enough to decide when he wanted to sleep? And who on earth told Yesung he was ready for him to leave him? He wanted him as close as possible to him for as long as possible.

A little piece of his conscience steadily reminded him that Yesung would need to actually get some sleep as well and it was beyond selfish to hold on to Yesung then. He had to stop being so immature and childish and selfish and learn to put Yesung's wellbeing first sometimes. He could only justify that he honestly just wanted a few minutes more with him and he was up as well. Maybe he was asking for too much and he was selfish, but he just loved him too much to be away from him. He knew that he had just spent the day together, standing beside each other doing what they loved, singing a song that they thought they never would, one that had so much value to them both, a time that they could both recall something changing inside them, seeing his smiles and being part of his happiness. It was probably wrong to be so selfish, to want to hold him close even then; but Kyuhyun had a hard time thinking of it as wrong, as something bad.

He should be allowed on to hold to the person he loved, to want them to sleep in his arms, to glance at him with words that came from his heart. He knew that was not their reality though, being especially reminded when he had to tear his eyes away from him during those moments together where he just knew what he sang reflected the feeling in his heart or maybe when he wanted to promise Yesung that he would never have lonely Christmases again. Things like that made it hard for him to be away from him in private when he would be able to do those things. Even if it was lost sleep, he was willing to make the sacrifice to drown in the sweetness of coffee and cinnamon, to let his mind wonder how on earth Yesung always managed to smell like coffee and cinnamon even when they were so far away from home and the café, to consider how it was possible for such freakishly small hands to be so warm and beautiful, to wonder if his head ever felt more comfortable than on Yesung's lap and ask himself why he enjoyed Yesung tugging on his hair. He was justified in wanting five more minutes. No matter how he thought about it he was, and he was justified in making the older man suffer for his mistreatment as well, but that would be something fun he was sure. It was always fun messing with Yesung.

“It’s what you do” Yesung rejoined with a chuckle, not taking Kyuhyun’s threat too seriously, aware that Kyuhyun would more than likely be unhappy with him for insisting that he sleep but more than willing to deal with the temper of the younger. He had willingly signed up for that didn’t he? He knew exactly how much of a stubborn, vengeful brat the younger man when he agreed to love him, so he really didn’t have the right to complain, and if he were to be honest, Kyuhyun’s punishments often amused him more than anything else. He wanted Kyuhyun to be happy and if that meant teasing him then he was more than willing to let it happen. For him, Kyuhyun always came first.

“Hum me a song and I will sleep” Kyuhyun bargained, though it came out more like a command, opening his eyes that had fluttered close, looking at Yesung with some sincerity and that sort of innocence that Yesung marvelled at . He knew the child was a demon, but whenever he looked at him looked at him like that, all he could see was an innocent man that he had to care for, that he had to protect, that he had to love. It was an odd choice considering that they had just spent the day singing but Yesung nodded at him.

Kyuhyun didn’t want to sleep yet or rather he did not want Yesung to leave him just then but he was overpowered with the guilt that came from his conscience, being constantly reminded that Yesung had just as a tiring day as him, possibly even more tiring and he had to get up and do it over again as soon as the sun came up. Kyuhyun would have been willing to just sit and watch him sleep, but there would be no way that would sleep before Kyuhyun did and that meant that Kyuhyun had to be willing to compromise for a change. It could do it for Yesung. He would do as he asked, the older man’s wellbeing the reason for his action. He only requested the song because Yesung’s voice was the last thing he wanted in his ear, not wanting to stress his throat though, just asking him to hum for him. It was something that Kyuhyun secretly loved, he adored when Yesung would sing or hum him a lullaby, as then it was just of him. Yesung was wielding his perfectly crafted voice, just for his ear and no one else, and he would enjoy it. He smiled when Yesung nodded, the older man looking much happier all of a sudden.

Kyuhyun smiled himself as he waited for the song, his eyes closed, turning to his side to make himself more comfortable, Yesung going back to brushing his hair with his fingers, a smooth gently soothing rhythm, Kyuhyun sighing like a puppy, though he would deny such accusations all the way to the grave, Yesung humming ‘twinkle twinkle little star’ under his breath for Kyuhyun causing the younger man to chuckle, Yesung doing the same, switching the song to the one that Kyuhyun always asks him to sing for him, humming the melody to ‘Puff the Magic Dragon’, causing Kyuhyun to giggle a little, Yesung murmuring that Kyuhyun should go to sleep and stop laughing, continuing to brush his hair, keeping Kyuhyun close as possible.

“You will spend Christmas with me this year….before I forget to tell you” Kyuhyun mumbled sleepily, the melody making him all warm and happy inside, remembering all other times he would have sang that song for him, feeling happiness and joy and gratitude, the sleep that Yesung had been summoning on the horizon, his mind making one last ditch effort to have some thought, remembering that he was suppose to remind Yesung that he should forget about all those Christmases past and only focus on the one to come. Kyuhyun was sure that he would be with Yesung one way or the other for Christmas even if they spend time with their family; somehow he would find a way for them to be together. That would be the best Christmas story Yesung should have, until the next year when they do it again and then the following year after that. He had lots of new Christmas memories for Yesung planned in his mind. It was just unfortunate that he was too sleepy to go through them with him. He just wanted to tell him about it before he forgot about it, mumbling as he shifted, and the words coming out muffled but somehow sincere.

“I know” Yesung responded with a smile, understanding the sentiment behind the words, even if Kyuhyun did not articulate it very well, bending once more to press a kiss to his hair, feeling happy at the prospect. It would be his first Christmas with Kyuhyun. He was excited at the prospect, but had not thought much about it, just as he was with everything else regarding Kyuhyun. He just sorts of lets things go the way they would flow naturally and enjoy the outcome. He and Kyuhyun found each other that way and so far it had guided their relationship. He had no complaints honestly, now happy to think about a Christmas with Kyuhyun. He didn’t disclose that he would probably try to spend the day itself with his parents, but he supposed Kyuhyun knew that, so perhaps referring to the period of time and still that was amazing. It was something that he would anticipate.

He sat still for a few minutes, returning to the humming, aware that Kyuhyun was more than likely at the edge or very close to it, continuing to sooth him, smiling when the first snore reached his ears, pressing back against the headboard, just watching Kyuhyun for a few minutes, his mind trying to find a way to take care of him, but mainly caught with admiring how handsome he was, even with pale skin and more acne scars than should be possible. It was part of Kyuhyun though and he loved it all. He felt happy to being his position, taking his time to drink it all in, to reenergize his tired self. Kyuhyun was always his energy, his strength.

After five minutes and after his third yawn and the second time his eyes closed shut, Yesung decided to return to his own room. With the precision of a surgeon, he carefully moved Kyuhyun away from his lap, a difficult feat considering that in the time, one of Kyuhyun’s hands had shifted to be thrown over his legs, somehow the younger man contorting himself so that he was embracing Yesung's lower body. It was adorable to be honest, Yesung cooing internally, as he slipped past the hold, lifting Kyuhyun’s head as he place it on a pillow, holding his breath when Kyuhyun grumbled but felt his heart return to normal when the younger man just snuggled into the pillow, Yesung really tucking him in this time, pulling the comforter all the way up to his mid-chest, retrieving it from where it had slipped down earlier in the evening when he was trying to get Kyuhyun to sleep. With one last kiss to his forehead, and a fond glance, Yesung headed for the door, flicking the lamp off as he left, stopping by the door way to give one last glance then he was out of the door, pulling it shut behind him, his mind light and his heart easy, even if he knew that the day ahead would be long and tiresome. Kyuhyun would be okay and he would be okay, so would Ryeowook.

It would seem that somehow that sentiment was shared, the younger man asleep in his room, twisting into the comforter, a warm happy smile adorning his features, dreaming of winter mornings, and tall pine evergreens, warm fires and red decorations, reindeer sweaters and hot chocolate, all somehow centred around a nagging singer.

Author’s Note: For the dearest Bianca[sujulovenl] and my wonderful Unnies and Dongsaengs.

kyuhyun, kyusung, kry, yesung, super junior, yekyu

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