Title: Boundless and Bare
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Pairing(s): Lamb/Veronica
Word Count: 100
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Kissing Don Lamb is a little like dying.
Notes: The title is taken from Ozymandias, by Percy Bysshe Shelley.
It isn't about love, or desire; it isn't about comfort, or companionship, or solace.
It's about death, and grief, and despair; it's about being able to feel something, anything, even if it's this, even if it's hatred and loathing and disgust.
His lips are like razor wire; they cut her, tearing into her flesh, making her bleed. The pain is invigorating; it wakes her up, and she clings to it desperately, holding on to the one thing that can still make her feel something.
Kissing Don Lamb is a little like dying.
And dying is a little like being born.