Lamentably, the book is...not fabulous. ADF seriously needs a good copy editor, and upon occasion, he seems to suffer from "I no thin' that word mean what you thin' it mean" syndrome.
However, Quinto's reading of the audiobook is well entertaining...if only for his attempts at the accents.
I'm starting to add some lamentably slashy fics to my memories on here. For serious realz, though, the "We'll get there in the end" fic by Seperis is about eight flavors of incredible.
"Lunch and Other Obscenities" is a fantastic look at Gaila and Uhura...
There's good TOS fic out there, too, but it tends to be a bit more...flowery...than I'm comfortable with.
Ha! I know seperis from some excellent Stargate Atlantis fic. I think a lot of my favorite SGA people are writing Star Trek reboot fic now. This makes me happy because they had all been heading down the Merlin path, and I was not prepared to follow them there.
Donna deserves a happy ending. I just hope it's not as trite and fanficcy as Rose's was. (My big problem is that Rose's had closure with the s. 2 ending, if not happy closure. I don't feel that we have closure with Donna, and we need that.)
Comments 7
However, Quinto's reading of the audiobook is well entertaining...if only for his attempts at the accents.
At least there is good fic out there to help me get through it. I read several great gen fics the other day.
I'm starting to add some lamentably slashy fics to my memories on here. For serious realz, though, the "We'll get there in the end" fic by Seperis is about eight flavors of incredible.
"Lunch and Other Obscenities" is a fantastic look at Gaila and Uhura...
There's good TOS fic out there, too, but it tends to be a bit more...flowery...than I'm comfortable with.
Mostly I've been reading the fic recced here:
And I really enjoyed this one by liketheriverruns:
It's got a great Bones voice.
Donna deserves a happy ending. I just hope it's not as trite and fanficcy as Rose's was. (My big problem is that Rose's had closure with the s. 2 ending, if not happy closure. I don't feel that we have closure with Donna, and we need that.)
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