±0.001% (rounded off to three decimal places) [bloopers;stickyyy]

Nov 30, 2029 20:47

Because underneath it all, they are just Super Junior|Super Junior M.

. . . . .


Sungmin: No, Siwon, like this. You’ve got to really shake to jiggle those chins. /shakes very hard

Siwon: Hyung, you try putting on three fake chins. It’s mightily uncomfortable.

Heechul: Fuck you, I’m a frigging fish. /slaps Siwon with fin

. . . . .


Kyuhyun arrives at the scene to see Sungmin and Zhou Mi deep in discussion with the author.

K: Hey guys, sup?

/turns to look at him with ominous expressions

Author: It's like this, Kyuhyun. I've received comments stating their desire for Qmi and Qmimin. After talking it over with Zhou Mi and Sungmin....

K: /looks over author's shoulder at Mimin

Z: /fondles gigantic nose

S: /develops sudden interest in elbow

A: ...I've decided to make this fic Mimin instead.

K: Wait a minute! This doesn't make sense at all! I'm in both Qmi and Qmimin, why are you dropping me instead?

A: I don't want to start ship wars, darling. If I go from Kyumin to Qmi, all hell will break loose. If I go to Qmimin......well, I just don't feel like writing Qmimin at the moment.

K: What? But you love Qmimin.

A: I'm sorry, Kyuhyun. But you've been around, haven't you? You kissed a woman in your frilly collar in the musical (you tried to hide it with a hat but, no). You flirted with Jonghyun in SM Ballad (what the nonsense is 2hyun?). I. I. I. I'm sick of you.

K: /stifles gasp with hand

A: I like Mimin better now.

K: Shit.

. . . . .


S: Name me something that was invented in a state of inebriation.

/inserts meaningful pause

K: Poutine?

Z: Just.

S: Just die.

Henry: Poutine's dope, you guys.

K: Shut up, you're not even in this fic.

H: One day, I'm going to stick this bow up your-know-where when you least expect it and it will hurt.

K: Where?

Z: He means your ass, Kyuhyun.

K: Oh. Oh.

. . . . .


K: Was that really your first kiss?

Z: No, that wasn’t.

K: I wasn’t asking yo-hey, wait

S: Are you slow or what.

. . . . .


Ryeowook: Seriously, you guys, what the hell is a Rilakkuma?

S: You really have to stop making people Google Rilakkuma, you know.

A: 囧RZ

. . . . .


R: I really hate that whenever there's me, there's gotta be you. You're not even in this fic and people are pairing us up in the comments!

Yesung: Yeah, ok, fine. You know, I've read our fanfics before.

R: ...you know those philtrum jokes are getting old, don't you?

Y: Yeah, I know.

R: ...

Y: ...

R: So why don't you take your finger off my philtrum.

Y: But it's so mesmerizing, there's something about your philtrum...

A: Take it off Yesung, or I'm going to insert tiny hands references in the fic, if I ever plan to write you in.

Y: That's, that's low. /takes finger off

A: God, I love being a fanfic writer.

. . . . .


R: I really hate that whenever there's me, there's gotta be you. You're not even in this fic and people are pairing us up in the comments!

Yesung: Yeah, ok, fine. You know, I've read our fanfics before.

R: So...who tops...?

Y: ...

R: ...

Y: :D

R: It's ok, I can deal with this...so, out of those fics you've read, in how many of them did I top?

Y: ...

R: ...

Y: :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

R: Fucking hell.

. . . . .


S: Dance in the rain.

K: ...

S: Dance in the rain?

K: ...

Z: Dance in the dark?

K: Shut. Up. Or I'm going to flush you down the nearest toilet bowl.

Z: ◕﹏◕

. . . . .

Qmimin: You've updated! \(≧▽≦)/

A: Can I rest for another 6 months then?

K: No.

A: Harsh, don't you think?

Z: No.

S: No.

A: ◕_◕

last edited → 13aug2011


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