The deal with a credit card transaction is that you make a payment in exchange for goods and services. Since there are no goods or services in this case, you should have NO problem telling your credit card company to not pay this. You obviously don't regularly cancel charges on your card, so they'll do it for you.
I've canceled payments before (weird charges that have been on my card). That's half the protection of using a card (rather than cash) in a case like this, so you DON'T get taken!
Just call your card company, they'll help you out.
Sorry it happened to you. now don't let it happen again! ;)
Comments 1
I've canceled payments before (weird charges that have been on my card). That's half the protection of using a card (rather than cash) in a case like this, so you DON'T get taken!
Just call your card company, they'll help you out.
Sorry it happened to you. now don't let it happen again! ;)
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