Now that it's over. . .

Dec 01, 2008 21:52

I thought that I'd post a few reflections on this year's NaNoWriMo experience.

I started out with something I thought was a good novel idea. On November 5th, I realized that I hated my characters and my story and couldn't continue.

That probably would have been the end of my NaNo except for one thing: I had so many people who were counting on me. This was my 7th year of November noveling, and I could easily have bowed out, saying that I'd done it before and succeeded. But I had arranged two October outlining sessions and a write-in on November 1st, so I had been encouraging quite a few people.

And November 6th was another write-in. I attended that one, took out my laptop, and started writing a different novel. On November 29th, I finished. I had finished the novel, had reached the 50,000 words, and now have a work that I intend to edit and submit for publication.

I finished it while sitting at Panera, in the company of 11 other NaNoWriMo participants.
And the next day, though I had finished, I returned to urge on the final members of our group.

This year I attended 12 write-ins, 2 pre-November sessions, and still have a TGIO party next Saturday. I made some terrific friends and we intend to meet again, to edit together.

This past November was difficult in many ways, and some days I felt as if I could barely continue, but making it through was even better than past years.

And now I'm tired.
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