Well... there are always student loans. that is what im doing for grad school. and i dont know how purdue works, but ur an out of state student.. maybe they have an out of state tuition waiver. That is how im surviving with less loans down here. look into it. but if u want to do grad school.. do it. the economy should be better when we get out of school than it is right now.
Depending on how it works in your field, it might make sense to take on a job with a company who will support, or help pay for, doing grad school concurrently with working. That also helps get rid of the "Oh shit, I'm too overqualified" problem that some grad school graduates are having in the field right now. But yeah, student loans all the way... my parents didn't even have money for my *undergrad* studies, but it works out (with payments for the next 20 years... oh well).
Another thing to look at would be a Graduate Assistant position. You help a professor with his/her research and get tuition (and usually a stipend) for it. This is usually paid for by a professor's grant money, so you'll likely have to ask individual professors about it.
Comments 5
But yeah, student loans all the way... my parents didn't even have money for my *undergrad* studies, but it works out (with payments for the next 20 years... oh well).
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